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Calculating the Product of the Values with Method reduce
Lines 39-41 of Fig. 17.5 use method reduce to calculate the product of the IntSteam 's
values. In this case, the lambda multiplies its two arguments. Because we're producing a
product, we begin with the identity value 1 in this case. Evaluation of the reduction pro-
ceeds as follows:
• On the first call to reduce , lambda parameter x 's value is the identity value ( 1 )
and lambda parameter y 's value is the first int in the stream ( 3 ), producing the
value 3 (1 * 3).
• On the next call to reduce , lambda parameter x 's value is the result of the first
calculation ( 3 ) and lambda parameter y 's value is the second int in the stream
( 10 ), producing the sum 30 (3 * 10).
• On the next call to reduce , lambda parameter x 's value is the result of the previ-
ous calculation ( 30 ) and lambda parameter y 's value is the third int in the stream
( 6 ), producing the sum 180 (30 * 6).
This process continues producing a running product of the IntSteam 's values until they've
all been used, at which point the final product is returned.
17.3.4 Intermediate Operations: Filtering and Sorting IntStream
Lines 45-48 of Fig. 17.5 create a stream pipeline that locates the even integers in an Int-
Stream , sorts them in ascending order and displays each value followed by a space.
Intermediate Operation filter
You filter elements to produce a stream of intermediate results that match a condition—
known as a predicate . IntStream method filter (line 46) receives an object that imple-
ments the IntPredicate functional interface (package java.util.function ). The lamb-
da in line 46:
value -> value % 2 == 0
implements the interface's test method, which receives an int and returns a boolean indi-
cating whether the int satisfies the predicate—in this case, the IntPredicate returns true
if the value it receives is divisible by 2. Calls to filter and other intermediate streams are
lazy —they aren't evaluated until a terminal operation (which is eager ) is performed—and pro-
duce new streams of elements. In lines 45-48, this occurs when forEach is called (line 48).
Intermediate Operation sorted
IntStream method sorted orders the elements of the stream into ascending order. Like
filter , sorted is a lazy operation; however, when the sorting is eventually performed, all
prior intermediate operations in the stream pipeline must be complete so that method
sorted knows which elements to sort.
Processing the Stream Pipeline and Stateless vs. Stateful Intermediate Operations
When forEach is called, the stream pipeline is processed. Line 46 produces an intermedi-
ate IntStream containing only the even integers, then line 47 sorts them and line 48 dis-
plays each element.
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