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specialized implementation of reduce . For example, line 31 shows how to sum an Int-
Steam 's values using reduce , rather than sum . The first argument ( 0 ) is a value that helps
you begin the reduction operation and the second argument is an object that implements
the IntBinaryOperator functional interface (package java.util.function ). The lambda:
(x, y) -> x + y
implements the interface's applyAsInt method, which receives two int values (represent-
ing the left and right operands of a binary operator) and performs a calculation with the
values—in this case, adding the values. A lambda with two or more parameters must en-
close them in parentheses. Evaluation of the reduction proceeds as follows:
• On the first call to reduce , lambda parameter x 's value is the identity value ( 0 )
and lambda parameter y 's value is the first int in the stream ( 3 ), producing the
sum 3 (0 + 3).
• On the next call to reduce , lambda parameter x 's value is the result of the first
calculation ( 3 ) and lambda parameter y 's value is the second int in the stream
( 10 ), producing the sum 13 (3 + 10).
• On the next call to reduce , lambda parameter x 's value is the result of the previ-
ous calculation ( 13 ) and lambda parameter y 's value is the third int in the stream
( 6 ), producing the sum 19 (13 + 6).
This process continues producing a running total of the IntSteam 's values until they've all
been used, at which point the final sum is returned.
Method reduce 's Identity Value Argument
Method reduce 's first argument is formally called an identity value —a value that, when
combined with any stream element using the IntBinaryOperator produces that element's
original value. For example, when summing the elements, the identity value is 0 (any int
value added to 0 results in the original value) and when getting the product of the elements
the identity value is 1 (any int value multiplied by 1 results in the original value).
Summing the Squares of the Values with Method reduce
Lines 34-36 of Fig. 17.5 use method reduce to calculate the sums of the squares of the
IntSteam 's values. The lambda in this case, adds the square of the current value to the run-
ning total. Evaluation of the reduction proceeds as follows:
• On the first call to reduce , lambda parameter x 's value is the identity value ( 0 )
and lambda parameter y 's value is the first int in the stream ( 3 ), producing the
value 9 (0 + 3 2 ).
• On the next call to reduce , lambda parameter x 's value is the result of the first
calculation ( 9 ) and lambda parameter y 's value is the second int in the stream
( 10 ), producing the sum 109 (9 + 10 2 ).
• On the next call to reduce , lambda parameter x 's value is the result of the previ-
ous calculation ( 109 ) and lambda parameter y 's value is the third int in the
stream ( 6 ), producing the sum 145 (109 + 6 2 ).
This process continues producing a running total of the squares of the IntSteam 's values
until they've all been used, at which point the final sum is returned.
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