Java Reference
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Contains method apply that takes two T arguments, performs an operation
on them (such as a calculation) and returns a value of type T . You'll see several
examples of BinaryOperator s starting in Section 17.3.
Contains method accept that takes a T argument and returns void . Performs
a task with it's T argument, such as outputting the object, invoking a method
of the object, etc. You'll see several examples of Consumer s starting in
Section 17.3.
Contains method apply that takes a T argument and returns a value of type
R . Calls a method on the T argument and returns that method's result. You'll
see several examples of Function s starting in Section 17.5.
Contains method test that takes a T argument and returns a boolean . Tests
whether the T argument satisfies a condition. You'll see several examples of
Predicate s starting in Section 17.3.
Contains method get that takes no arguments and produces a value of type
T . Often used to create a collection object in which a stream operation's
results are placed. You'll see several examples of Supplier s starting in
Section 17.7.
Contains method get that takes no arguments and returns a value of type T .
You'll see several examples of UnaryOperator s starting in Section 17.3.
Fig. 17.2 | The six basic generic functional interfaces in package java.util.function .
17.2.2 Lambda Expressions
Functional programming is accomplished with lambda expressions. A lambda expression
represents an anonymous method —a shorthand notation for implementing a functional in-
terface, similar to an anonymous inner class (Section 12.11). The type of a lambda expres-
sion is the type of the functional interface that the lambda expression implements. Lambda
expressions can be used anywhere functional interfaces are expected. From this point for-
ward, we'll refer to lambda expressions simply as lambdas. We show basic lambda syntax
in this section and discuss additional lambda features as we use them throughout this and
later chapters.
Lambda Syntax
A lambda consists of a parameter list followed by the arrow token ( -> ) and a body, as in:
( parameterList ) -> { statements }
The following lambda receives two int s and returns their sum:
( int x, int y) -> { return x + y;}
In this case, the body is a statement block that may contain one or more statements enclosed
in curly braces. There are several variations of this syntax. For example, the parameter
types usually may be omitted, as in:
(x, y) -> { return x + y;}
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