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beginning to end in a single thread of execution. To perform the preceding task, you also
create two variables ( sum and counter ) that are mutated repeatedly—that is, their values
change—while the task is performed. You performed many similar array and collection
tasks, such as displaying the elements of an array, summarizing the faces of a die that was
rolled 6,000,000 times, calculating the average of an array's elements and more.
External Iteration Is Error Prone
Most Java programmers are comfortable with external iteration. However, there are several
opportunities for error. For example, you could initialize variable sum incorrectly, initialize
control variable counter incorrectly, use the wrong loop-continuation condition, increment
control variable counter incorrectly or incorrectly add each value in the array to the sum .
Internal Iteration
In functional programming , you specify what you want to accomplish in a task, but not
how to accomplish it. As you'll see in this chapter, to sum a numeric data source's elements
(such as those in an array or collection), you can use new Java SE 8 library capabilities that
allow you to say, “Here's a data source, give me the sum of its elements.” You do not need
to specify how to iterate through the elements or declare and use any mutable variables.
This is known as internal iteration , because the library determines how to access all the
elements to perform the task. With internal iteration, you can easily tell the library that
you want to perform this task with parallel processing to take advantage of your computer's
multi-core architecture—this can significantly improve the task's performance. As you'll
learn in Chapter 23, it's hard to create parallel tasks that operate correctly if those tasks
modify a program's state information (that is, its variable values). So the functional pro-
gramming capabilities that you'll learn here focus on immutability —not modifying the
data source being processed or any other program state.
17.2.1 Functional Interfaces
Section 10.10 introduced Java SE 8's new interface features— default methods and
static methods—and discussed the concept of a functional interface —an interface that
contains exactly one abstract method (and may also contain default and static meth-
ods). Such interfaces are also known as single abstract method (SAM) interfaces. Functional
interfaces are used extensively in functional programming, because they act as an object-
oriented model for a function.
Functional Interfaces in Package java.util.function
Package java.util.function contains several functional interfaces. Figure 17.2 shows
the six basic generic functional interfaces. Throughout the table, T and R are generic type
names that represent the type of the object on which the functional interface operates and
the return type of a method, respectively. There are many other functional interfaces in
package java.util.function that are specialized versions of those in Fig. 17.2. Most are
for use with int , long and double primitive values, but there are also generic customiza-
tions of Consumer , Function and Predicate for binary operations—that is, methods that
take two arguments.
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