Java Reference
In-Depth Information
•Method clear (p. 694) removes elements from a List .
•Method toArray (p. 695) returns the contents of a collection as an array.
Section 16.7 Collections Methods
• Algorithms sort (p. 697), binarySearch , reverse (p. 702), shuffle (p. 700), fill (p. 702),
copy , addAll (p. 693), frequency and disjoint operate on List s. Algorithms min and max
(p. 703) operate on Collections .
•Algorithm addAll appends all the elements in an array to a collection (p. 706), frequency
(p. 706) calculates how many elements in the collection are equal to the specified element, and
disjoint (p. 706) determines whether two collections have elements in common.
• Algorithms min and max find the smallest and largest items in a collection.
•The Comparator interface (p. 697) provides a means of sorting a Collection 's elements in an or-
der other than their natural order.
Collections method reverseOrder (p. 698) returns a Comparator object that can be used with
sort to sort a collection's elements in reverse order.
•Algorithm shuffle (p. 700) randomly orders the elements of a List .
•Algorithm binarySearch (p. 704) locates an Object in a sorted List .
Section 16.8 Stack Class of Package java.util
• Class Stack (p. 708) extends Vector . Stack method push (p. 709) adds its argument to the top
of the stack. Method pop (p. 710) removes the top element of the stack. Method peek returns a
reference to the top element without removing it. Stack method isEmpty (p. 710) determines
whether the stack is empty.
Section 16.9 Class PriorityQueue and Interface Queue
• Interface Queue (p. 710) extends interface Collection and provides additional operations for in-
serting, removing and inspecting elements in a queue.
PriorityQueue (p. 710) implements interface Queue and orders elements by their natural order-
ing or by a Comparator object that's supplied to the constructor.
PriorityQueue method offer (p. 710) inserts an element at the appropriate location based on
priority order. Method poll (p. 710) removes the highest-priority element of the priority queue.
Method peek ( peek ) gets a reference to the highest-priority element of the priority queue. Meth-
od clear (p. 710) removes all elements in the priority queue. Method size (p. 710) gets the
number of elements in the priority queue.
Section 16.10 Sets
•A Set (p. 711) is an unordered Collection that contains no duplicate elements. HashSet (p. 711)
stores its elements in a hash table. TreeSet (p. 711) stores its elements in a tree.
• Interface SortedSet (p. 712) extends Set and represents a set that maintains its elements in sort-
ed order. Class TreeSet implements SortedSet .
TreeSet method headSet (p. 712) gets a TreeSet view containing elements that are less than a
specified element. Method tailSet (p. 713) gets a TreeSet view containing elements that are
greater than or equal to a specified element. Any changes made to these views are made to the
original TreeSet .
Section 16.11 Maps
Map s (p. 714) store key-value pairs and cannot contain duplicate keys. HashMap s (p. 714) and
Hashtable s (p. 714) store elements in a hash table, and TreeMap s (p. 714) store elements in a tree.
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