Java Reference
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is an int value. Similarly, any floating-point literal that has the suffix F is a float value.
A floating-point literal without a suffix is a double value. You can learn more about
numeric literals in the Java Language Specification at
specs/jls/se7/html/jls-15.html#jls-15.8.1 .
An infinite loop (lines 32-37) calls Stack method pop to remove the top element of
the stack. The method returns a Number reference to the removed element. If there are no
elements in the Stack , method pop throws an EmptyStackException , which terminates
the loop. Class Stack also declares method peek . This method returns the top element of
the stack without popping the element off the stack.
Method printStack (lines 46-52) displays the stack's contents. The current top of
the stack (the last value pushed onto the stack) is the first value printed. Line 48 calls Stack
method isEmpty (inherited by Stack from class Vector ) to determine whether the stack
is empty. If it's empty, the method returns true ; otherwise, false .
16.9 Class PriorityQueue and Interface Queue
Recall that a queue is a collection that represents a waiting line—typically, insertions are
made at the back of a queue and deletions are made from the front. In Section 21.6, we'll
discuss and implement a queue data structure. In this section, we investigate Java's Queue
interface and PriorityQueue class from package java.util . Interface Queue extends in-
terface Collection and provides additional operations for inserting , removing and inspect-
ing elements in a queue. PriorityQueue , which implements the Queue interface, orders
elements by their natural ordering as specified by Comparable elements' compareTo meth-
od or by a Comparator object that's supplied to the constructor.
Class PriorityQueue provides functionality that enables insertions in sorted order into
the underlying data structure and deletions from the front of the underlying data structure.
When adding elements to a PriorityQueue , the elements are inserted in priority order
such that the highest-priority element (i.e., the largest value) will be the first element
removed from the PriorityQueue .
The common PriorityQueue operations are offer to insert an element at the appro-
priate location based on priority order, poll to remove the highest-priority element of the
priority queue (i.e., the head of the queue), peek to get a reference to the highest-priority
element of the priority queue (without removing that element), clear to remove all ele-
ments in the priority queue and size to get the number of elements in the priority queue.
Figure 16.15 demonstrates the PriorityQueue class. Line 10 creates a PriorityQueue
that stores Double s with an initial capacity of 11 elements and orders the elements according
to the object's natural ordering (the defaults for a PriorityQueue ). PriorityQueue is a
generic class. Line 10 instantiates a PriorityQueue with a type argument Double . Class
PriorityQueue provides five additional constructors. One of these takes an int and a Com-
parator object to create a PriorityQueue with the initial capacity specified by the int and
the ordering by the Comparator . Lines 13-15 use method offer to add elements to the pri-
ority queue. Method offer throws a NullPointerException if the program attempts to
add a null object to the queue. The loop in lines 20-24 uses method size to determine
whether the priority queue is empty (line 20). While there are more elements, line 22 uses
PriorityQueue method peek to retrieve the highest-priority element in the queue for output
( without actually removing it from the queue). Line 23 removes the highest-priority ele-
ment in the queue with method poll , which returns the removed element.
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