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vidual element values. Lines 29-30 also could have used the enhanced for statement
(which we'll demonstrate with collections in other examples).
Line 33 calls method removeColors (lines 43-55), passing list and removeList as
arguments. Method removeColors deletes the String s in removeList from the String s
in list . Lines 38-39 print list 's elements after removeColors completes its task.
Method removeColors declares two Collection<String> parameters (lines 43-
44)—any two Collection s containing String s can be passed as arguments. The method
accesses the elements of the first Collection ( collection1 ) via an Iterator . Line 47 calls
Collection method iterator to get an Iterator for the Collection . Interfaces Collec-
tion and Iterator are generic types. The loop-continuation condition (line 50) calls
Iterator method hasNext to determine whether there are more elements to iterate
through. Method hasNext returns true if another element exists and false otherwise.
The if condition in line 52 calls Iterator method next to obtain a reference to the
next element, then uses method contains of the second Collection ( collection2 ) to
determine whether collection2 contains the element returned by next . If so, line 53 calls
Iterator method remove to remove the element from the Collection collection1 .
Common Programming Error 16.1
If a collection is modified by one of its methods after an iterator is created for that collec-
tion, the iterator immediately becomes invalid—any operation performed with the itera-
tor fails immediate and throws a ConcurrentModificationException . For this reason,
iterators are said to be “fail fast.” Fail-fast iterators help ensure that a modifiable collec-
tion is not manipulated by two or more threads at the same time, which could corrupt the
collection. In Chapter 23, Concurrency, you'll learn about concurrent collections (package
java.util.concurrent ) that can be safely manipulated by multiple concurrent threads.
Software Engineering Observation 16.4
We refer to the ArrayList s in this example via List variables. This makes our code more
flexible and easier to modify—if we later determine that LinkedList s would be more ap-
propriate, only the lines where we created the ArrayList objects (lines 14 and 21) need
to be modified. In general, when you create a collection object, refer to that object with a
variable of the corresponding collection interface type.
Type Inference with the <> Notation
Lines 14 and 21 specify the type stored in the ArrayList (that is, String ) on the left and
right sides of the initialization statements. Java SE 7 introduced type inferencing with the
<> notation—known as the diamond notation —in statements that declare and create ge-
neric type variables and objects. For example, line 14 can be written as:
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
In this case, Java uses the type in angle brackets on the left of the declaration (that is,
String ) as the type stored in the ArrayList created on the right side of the declaration.
We'll use this syntax for the remaining examples in this chapter.
16.6.2 LinkedList
Figure 16.3 demonstrates various operations on LinkedList s. The program creates two
LinkedList s of String s. The elements of one List are added to the other. Then all the
String s are converted to uppercase, and a range of elements is deleted.
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