Java Reference
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algorithm works to perform its task—based on the number of data items to be processed.
After reading Chapter 19, you'll better understand each collection's performance charac-
teristics as described in the online documentation.
16.3 Type-Wrapper Classes
Each primitive type (listed in Appendix D) has a corresponding type-wrapper class (in
package java.lang ). These classes are called Boolean , Byte , Character , Double , Float ,
Integer , Long and Short . These enable you to manipulate primitive-type values as ob-
jects. This is important because the data structures that we reuse or develop in
Chapters 16-21 manipulate and share objects —they cannot manipulate variables of prim-
itive types. However, they can manipulate objects of the type-wrapper classes, because ev-
ery class ultimately derives from Object .
Each of the numeric type-wrapper classes— Byte , Short , Integer , Long , Float and
Double —extends class Number . Also, the type-wrapper classes are final classes, so you
cannot extend them. Primitive types do not have methods, so the methods related to a
primitive type are located in the corresponding type-wrapper class (e.g., method parseInt ,
which converts a String to an int value, is located in class Integer ).
16.4 Autoboxing and Auto-Unboxing
Java provides boxing and unboxing conversions that automatically convert between prim-
itive-type values and type-wrapper objects. A boxing conversion converts a value of a
primitive type to an object of the corresponding type-wrapper class. An unboxing conver-
sion converts an object of a type-wrapper class to a value of the corresponding primitive
type. These conversions are performed automatically—called autoboxing and auto-un-
boxing . Consider the following statements:
Integer[] integerArray = new Integer[ 5 ]; // create integerArray
integerArray[ 0 ] = 10 ; // assign Integer 10 to integerArray[0]
int value = integerArray[ 0 ]; // get int value of Integer
In this case, autoboxing occurs when assigning an int value ( 10 ) to integerArray[0] , be-
cause integerArray stores references to Integer objects, not int values. Auto-unboxing
occurs when assigning integerArray[0] to int variable value , because variable value
stores an int value, not a reference to an Integer object. Boxing conversions also occur in
conditions, which can evaluate to primitive boolean values or Boolean objects. Many of
the examples in Chapters 16-21 use these conversions to store primitive values in and re-
trieve them from data structures.
16.5 Interface Collection and Class Collections
Interface Collection contains bulk operations (i.e., operations performed on an entire
collection) for operations such as adding , clearing and comparing objects (or elements) in a
collection. A Collection can also be converted to an array. In addition, interface Collec-
tion provides a method that returns an Iterator object, which allows a program to walk
through the collection and remove elements from it during the iteration. We discuss class
Iterator in Section 16.6.1. Other methods of interface Collection enable a program to
determine a collection's size and whether a collection is empty .
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