Java Reference
In-Depth Information
• Java also can associate streams with different devices. Three stream objects are associated with
devices when a Java program begins executing— , System.out and System.err .
Section 15.3 Using NIO Classes and Interfaces to Get File and Directory Information
•A Path (p. 647) represents the location of a file or directory. Path objects do not open files or
provide any file-processing capabilities.
• Class Paths (p. 647) is used to get a Path object representing a file or directory location.
• Class Files (p. 647) provides static methods for common file and directory manipulations, in-
cluding methods for copying files; creating and deleting files and directories; getting information
about files and directories; reading the contents of files; getting objects that allow you to manip-
ulate the contents of files and directories; and more.
•A DirectoryStream (p. 647) enables a program to iterate through the contents of a directory.
•The static method get (p. 647) of class Paths converts a String representing a file's or directo-
ry's location into a Path object.
• Character-based input and output can be performed with classes Scanner and Formatter .
• Class Formatter (p. 647) enables formatted data to be output to the screen or to a file in a man-
ner similar to System.out.printf .
• An absolute path (p. 647) contains all the directories, starting with the root directory (p. 647),
that lead to a specific file or directory. Every file or directory on a disk drive has the same root
directory in its path.
• A relative path (p. 647) starts from the directory in which the application began executing.
Files static method exists (p. 648) receives a Path and determines whether it exists (either as
a file or as a directory) on disk.
Path method getFileName (p. 648) gets the String name of a file or directory without any loca-
tion information.
Files static method isDirectory (p. 648) receives a Path and returns a boolean indicating
whether that Path represents a directory on disk.
Path method isAbsolute (p. 648) returns a boolean indicating whether a Path represents an ab-
solute path to a file or directory.
Files static method getLastModifiedTime (p. 648) receives a Path and returns a FileTime
(package java.nio.file.attribute ) indicating when the file was last modified.
Files static method size (p. 648) receives a Path and returns a long representing the number
of bytes in the file or directory. For directories, the value returned is platform specific.
Path method toString (p. 648) returns a String representation of the Path .
Path method toAbsolutePath (p. 648) converts the Path on which it's called to an absolute path.
Files static method newDirectoryStream (p. 648) returns a DirectoryStream<Path> contain-
ing Path objects for a directory's contents.
• A separator character (p. 650) is used to separate directories and files in the path.
Section 15.4 Sequential-Access Text Files
• Java imposes no structure on a file. You must structure files to meet your application's needs.
• To retrieve data sequentially from a file, programs normally start from the beginning of the file
and read all the data consecutively until the desired information is found.
• Data in many sequential files cannot be modified without the risk of destroying other data in the
file. Records in a sequential-access file are usually updated by rewriting the entire file.
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