Java Reference
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Memory-Based char Array Reader s and Writer s
Classes CharArrayReader and CharArrayWriter read and write, respectively, a stream of
characters to a char array. A LineNumberReader (a subclass of BufferedReader ) is a buff-
ered character stream that keeps track of the number of lines read—newlines, returns and
carriage-return-line-feed combinations increment the line count. Keeping track of line
numbers can be useful if the program needs to inform the reader of an error on a specific
Character-Based File, Pipe and String Reader s and Writer s
An InputStream can be converted to a Reader via class InputStreamReader . Similarly, an
OutputStream can be converted to a Writer via class OutputStreamWriter . Class File-
Reader (a subclass of InputStreamReader ) and class FileWriter (a subclass of Output-
StreamWriter ) read characters from and write characters to a file, respectively. Class
PipedReader and class PipedWriter implement piped-character streams for transferring
data between threads. Class StringReader and StringWriter read characters from and
write characters to String s, respectively. A PrintWriter writes characters to a stream.
15.8 Wrap-Up
In this chapter, you learned how to manipulate persistent data. We compared byte-based
and character-based streams, and introduced several classes from packages and
java.nio.file . You used classes Files and Paths and interfaces Path and Directo-
ryStream to retrieve information about files and directories. You used sequential-access
file processing to manipulate records that are stored in order by the record-key field. You
learned the differences between text-file processing and object serialization, and used seri-
alization to store and retrieve entire objects. The chapter concluded with a small example
of using a JFileChooser dialog to allow users to easily select files from a GUI. The next
chapter discusses Java's classes for manipulating collections of data—such as class Array-
List , which we introduced in Section 7.16.
Section 15.1 Introduction
• Computers use files for long-term retention of large amounts of persistent data (p. 645), even
after the programs that created the data terminate.
• Computers store files on secondary storage devices (p. 645) such as hard disks.
Section 15.2 Files and Streams
• Java views each file as a sequential stream of bytes (p. 645).
• Every operating system provides a mechanism to determine the end of a file, such as an end-of-
file marker (p. 645) or a count of the total bytes in the file.
• Byte-based streams (p. 646) represent data in binary format.
• Character-based streams (p. 646) represent data as sequences of characters.
• Files created using byte-based streams are binary files (p. 646). Files created using character-
based streams are text files (p. 646). Text files can be read by text editors, whereas binary files are
read by a program that converts the data to a human-readable format.
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