Java Reference
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Method readRecords (lines 37-59) reads and displays records from the file. Lines
39-40 display headers for the columns in the application's output. Lines 44-49 read and
display data from the file until the end-of-file marker is reached (in which case, method
hasNext will return false at line 44). Lines 47-48 use Scanner methods nextInt , next
and nextDouble to input an int (the account number), two String s (the first and last
names) and a double value (the balance). Each record is one line of data in the file. If the
information in the file is not properly formed (e.g., there's a last name where there should
be a balance), a NoSuchElementException occurs when the record is input. This exception
is handled in lines 51-54. If the Scanner was closed before the data was input, an Ille-
galStateException occurs (handled in lines 55-58). Note in the format string in line 47
that the account number, first name and last name are left justified, while the balance is
right justified and output with two digits of precision. Each iteration of the loop inputs
one line of text from the text file, which represents one record. Lines 62-66 define method
closeFile , which closes the Scanner .
15.4.3 Case Study: A Credit-Inquiry Program
To retrieve data sequentially from a file, programs start from the beginning of the file and
read all the data consecutively until the desired information is found. It might be necessary
to process the file sequentially several times (from the beginning of the file) during the ex-
ecution of a program. Class Scanner does not allow repositioning to the beginning of the
file. If it's necessary to read the file again, the program must close the file and reopen it.
The program in Figs. 15.7-15.8 allows a credit manager to obtain lists of customers
with zero balances (i.e., customers who do not owe any money), customers with credit bal-
ances (i.e., customers to whom the company owes money) and customers with debit bal-
ances (i.e., customers who owe the company money for goods and services received). A
credit balance is a negative amount, a debit balance a positive amount.
MenuOption enum
We begin by creating an enum type (Fig. 15.7) to define the different menu options the
credit manager will haveā€”this is required if you need to provide specific values for the
enum constants. The options and their values are listed in lines 7-10.
// Fig. 15.7:
// enum type for the credit-inquiry program's options.
public enum MenuOption
// declare contents of enum type
END( 4 );
private final int value; // current menu option
Fig. 15.7 | enum type for the credit-inquiry program's menu options. (Part 1 of 2.)
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