Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Character method charValue (p. 622) returns the char stored in a Character object. Character
method toString returns a String representation of a Character .
Section 14.6 Tokenizing String s
• Class String 's split method (p. 623) tokenizes a String based on the delimiter (p. 623) speci-
fied as an argument and returns an array of String s containing the tokens (p. 623).
Section 14.7 Regular Expressions, Class Pattern and Class Matcher
• Regular expressions (p. 624) are sequences of characters and symbols that define a set of strings.
They're useful for validating input and ensuring that data is in a particular format.
String method matches (p. 624) receives a string that specifies the regular expression and match-
es the contents of the String object on which it's called to the regular expression. The method
returns a boolean indicating whether the match succeeded.
• A character class is an escape sequence that represents a group of characters. Each character class
matches a single character in the string we're attempting to match with the regular expression.
• A word character ( \w; p. 624) is any letter (uppercase or lowercase), any digit or the underscore
• A white-space character ( \s ) is a space, a tab, a carriage return, a newline or a form feed.
• A digit ( \d ) is any numeric character.
• To match a set of characters that does not have a predefined character class (p. 624), use square
brackets, [] . Ranges can be represented by placing a dash ( - ) between two characters. If the first
character in the brackets is "^" , the expression accepts any character other than those indicated.
• When the regular expression operator "*" appears in a regular expression, the program attempts
to match zero or more occurrences of the subexpression immediately preceding the "*" .
• Operator "+" attempts to match one or more occurrences of the subexpression preceding it.
• The character "|" allows a match of the expression to its left or to its right.
• Parentheses () are used to group parts of the regular expression.
•The asterisk ( * ) and plus ( + ) are formally called quantifiers (p. 628).
• A quantifier affects only the subexpression immediately preceding it.
• Quantifier question mark ( ? ) matches zero or one occurrences of the expression that it quantifies.
• A set of braces containing one number ( { n } ) matches exactly n occurrences of the expression it
quantifies. Including a comma after the number enclosed in braces matches at least n occurrences.
• A set of braces containing two numbers ( { n , m } ) matches between n and m occurrences of the
expression that it qualifies.
• Quantifiers are greedy (p. 629)—they'll match as many occurrences as they can as long as the
match is successful. If a quantifier is followed by a question mark ( ? ), the quantifier becomes re-
luctant (p. 629), matching as few occurrences as possible as long as the match is successful.
String method replaceAll (p. 629) replaces text in a string with new text (the second argument)
wherever the original string matches a regular expression (the first argument).
• Escaping a special regular-expression character with a \ instructs the regular-expression matching
engine to find the actual character, as opposed to what it represents in a regular expression.
String method replaceFirst (p. 629) replaces the first occurrence of a pattern match and re-
turns a new string in which the appropriate characters have been replaced.
String method split (p. 629) divides a string into substrings at any location that matches a spec-
ified regular expression and returns an array of the substrings.
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