Java Reference
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Please enter a radix:
Please choose one:
1 -- Convert digit to character
2 -- Convert character to digit
Enter a character:
Convert character to digit: 10
Please enter a radix:
Please choose one:
1 -- Convert digit to character
2 -- Convert character to digit
Enter a digit:
Convert digit to character: d
Fig. 14.16 | Character class static conversion methods. (Part 2 of 2.)
Line 28 uses method forDigit to convert the integer digit into a character in the
number system specified by the integer radix (the base of the number). For example, the
decimal integer 13 in base 16 (the radix ) has the character value 'd' . Lowercase and upper-
case letters represent the same value in number systems. Line 35 uses method digit to con-
vert variable character into an integer in the number system specified by the integer radix
(the base of the number). For example, the character 'A' is the base 16 (the radix ) repre-
sentation of the base 10 value 10. The radix must be between 2 and 36, inclusive.
Figure 14.17 demonstrates the constructor and several instance methods of class
Character charValue , toString and equals . Lines 7-8 instantiate two Character
objects by assigning the character constants 'A' and 'a' , respectively, to the Character
variables. Java automatically converts these char literals into Character objects—a process
known as autoboxing that we discuss in more detail in Section 16.4. Line 11 uses Char-
acter method charValue to return the char value stored in Character object c1 . Line 11
returns a string representation of Character object c2 using method toString . The con-
dition in line 13 uses method equals to determine whether the object c1 has the same con-
tents as the object c2 (i.e., the characters inside each object are equal).
// Fig. 14.17:
// Character class instance methods.
public class OtherCharMethods
public static void main(String[] args)
Character c1 = 'A' ;
Character c2 = 'a' ;
Fig. 14.17 | Character class instance methods. (Part 1 of 2.)
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