Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Enter a character and press Enter
is defined: true
is digit: true
is first character in a Java identifier: false
is part of a Java identifier: true
is letter: false
is letter or digit: true
is lower case: false
is upper case: false
to upper case: 8
to lower case: 8
Enter a character and press Enter
is defined: true
is digit: false
is first character in a Java identifier: true
is part of a Java identifier: true
is letter: false
is letter or digit: false
is lower case: false
is upper case: false
to upper case: $
to lower case: $
Fig. 14.15 | Character static methods for testing characters and converting case. (Part 2 of 2.)
Line 15 uses Character method isDefined to determine whether character c is
defined in the Unicode character set. If so, the method returns true ; otherwise, it returns
false . Line 16 uses Character method isDigit to determine whether character c is a
defined Unicode digit. If so, the method returns true , and otherwise, false .
Line 18 uses Character method isJavaIdentifierStart to determine whether c is
a character that can be the first character of an identifier in Java—that is, a letter, an under-
score ( _ ) or a dollar sign ( $ ). If so, the method returns true , and otherwise, false . Line
20 uses Character method isJavaIdentifierPart to determine whether character c is a
character that can be used in an identifier in Java—that is, a digit, a letter, an underscore
( _ ) or a dollar sign ( $ ). If so, the method returns true , and otherwise, false .
Line 21 uses Character method isLetter to determine whether character c is a letter.
If so, the method returns true , and otherwise, false . Line 23 uses Character method
isLetterOrDigit to determine whether character c is a letter or a digit. If so, the method
returns true , and otherwise, false .
Line 25 uses Character method isLowerCase to determine whether character c is a
lowercase letter. If so, the method returns true , and otherwise, false . Line 27 uses Char-
acter method isUpperCase to determine whether character c is an uppercase letter. If so,
the method returns true , and otherwise, false .
Line 29 uses Character method toUpperCase to convert the character c to its upper-
case equivalent. The method returns the converted character if the character has an upper-
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