Java Reference
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Lines 19-24 use method lastIndexOf to locate the last occurrence of a character in a
String . The method searches from the end of the String toward the beginning. If it finds
the character, it returns the character's index in the String —otherwise, it returns -1.
There are two versions of lastIndexOf that search for characters in a String . The expres-
sion at line 20 uses the version that takes the integer representation of the character. The
expression at line 22 uses the version that takes two integer arguments—the integer repre-
sentation of the character and the index from which to begin searching backward .
Lines 27-40 demonstrate versions of methods indexOf and lastIndexOf that each
take a String as the first argument. These versions perform identically to those described
earlier except that they search for sequences of characters (or substrings) that are specified
by their String arguments. If the substring is found, these methods return the index in
the String of the first character in the substring.
14.3.5 Extracting Substrings from Strings
Class String provides two substring methods to enable a new String object to be creat-
ed by copying part of an existing String object. Each method returns a new String object.
Both methods are demonstrated in Fig. 14.6.
// Fig. 14.6:
// String class substring methods.
public class SubString
public static void main(String[] args)
String letters = "abcdefghijklmabcdefghijklm" ;
// test substring methods
System.out.printf( "Substring from index 20 to end is \"%s\"%n" ,
letters.substring( 20 )
System.out.printf( "%s \"%s\"%n" ,
"Substring from index 3 up to, but not including 6 is" ,
letters.substring( 3 , 6 )
} // end class SubString
Substring from index 20 to end is "hijklm"
Substring from index 3 up to, but not including 6 is "def"
Fig. 14.6 | String class substring methods.
The expression letters.substring(20) at line 12 uses the substring method that
takes one integer argument. The argument specifies the starting index in the original
String letters from which characters are to be copied. The substring returned contains
a copy of the characters from the starting index to the end of the String . Specifying an
index outside the bounds of the String causes a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException .
Line 15 uses the substring method that takes two integer arguments—the starting
index from which to copy characters in the original String and the index one beyond the
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