Java Reference
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display the series of connected lines specified with the arguments xValues2 , yValues2 and
7 (the number of points).
Lines 27-28 create two int arrays and use them to specify the points of a polygon.
Array xValues3 contains the x -coordinate of each point and array yValues3 the y -coordi-
nate of each point. Line 29 displays a polygon by passing to Graphics method fill-
Polygon the two arrays ( xValues3 and yValues3 ) and the number of points to draw ( 4 ).
Common Programming Error 13.1
An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if the number of points specified in the
third argument to method drawPolygon or method fillPolygon is greater than the num-
ber of elements in the arrays of coordinates that specify the polygon to display.
Line 32 creates Polygon polygon2 with no points. Lines 33-37 use Polygon method
addPoint to add pairs of x- and y -coordinates to the Polygon . Line 38 displays Polygon
polygon2 by passing it to Graphics method fillPolygon .
13.8 Java 2D API
The Java 2D API provides advanced two-dimensional graphics capabilities for program-
mers who require detailed and complex graphical manipulations. The API includes features
for processing line art, text and images in packages java.awt , java.awt.image , ja-
va.awt.color , java.awt.font , java.awt.geom , java.awt.print and
age.renderable . The capabilities of the API are far too broad to cover in this textbook. For
an overview, visit . In
this section, we overview several Java 2D capabilities.
Drawing with the Java 2D API is accomplished with a Graphics2D reference (package
java.awt ). Graphics2D is an abstract subclass of class Graphics , so it has all the graphics
capabilities demonstrated earlier in this chapter. In fact, the actual object used to draw in
every paintComponent method is an instance of a subclass of Graphics2D that is passed to
method paintComponent and accessed via the superclass Graphics . To access Graphics2D
capabilities, we must cast the Graphics reference ( g ) passed to paintComponent into a
Graphics2D reference with a statement such as
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
The next two examples use this technique.
Lines, Rectangles, Round Rectangles, Arcs and Ellipses
This example demonstrates several Java 2D shapes from package java.awt.geom , includ-
ing Line2D.Double , Rectangle2D.Double , RoundRectangle2D.Double , Arc2D.Double
and Ellipse2D.Double . Note the syntax of each class name. Each class represents a shape
with dimensions specified as double values. There's a separate version of each represented
with float values (e.g., Ellipse2D.Float ). In each case, Double is a public static nested
class of the class specified to the left of the dot (e.g., Ellipse2D ). To use the static nested
class, we simply qualify its name with the outer-class name.
In Figs. 13.29-13.30, we draw Java 2D shapes and modify their drawing characteris-
tics, such as changing line thickness, filling shapes with patterns and drawing dashed lines.
These are just a few of the many capabilities provided by Java 2D.
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