Java Reference
In-Depth Information
•Interface MouseInputListener (p. 513) of package javax.swing.event extends interfaces
MouseListener and MouseMotionListener to create a single interface containing all their methods.
• Each mouse event-handling method receives a MouseEvent object (p. 494) that contains infor-
mation about the event, including the x- and y -coordinates where the event occurred. Coordi-
nates are measured from the upper-left corner of the GUI component on which the event
• The methods and constants of class InputEvent (p. 514; MouseEvent 's superclass) enable an ap-
plication to determine which mouse button the user clicked.
• Interface MouseWheelListener (p. 515) enables applications to respond to mouse-wheel events.
Section 12.15 Adapter Classes
• An adapter class (p. 518) implements an interface and provides default implementations of its
methods. When you extend an adapter class, you can override just the method(s) you need.
MouseEvent method getClickCount (p. 521) returns the number of consecutive mouse-button
clicks. Methods isMetaDown (p. 528) and isAltDown (p. 521) determine which button was clicked.
Section 12.16 JPanel Subclass for Drawing with the Mouse
JComponent s method paintComponent (p. 522) is called when a lightweight Swing component is
displayed. Override this method to specify how to draw shapes using Java's graphics capabilities.
• When overriding paintComponent , call the superclass version as the first statement in the body.
• Subclasses of JComponent support transparency. When a component is opaque (p. 522), paint-
Component clears its background before the component is displayed.
• The transparency of a Swing lightweight component can be set with method setOpaque (p. 522;
a false argument indicates that the component is transparent).
• Class Point (p. 523) package java.awt represents an x-y coordinate.
• Class Graphics (p. 523) is used to draw.
MouseEvent method getPoint (p. 524) obtains the Point where a mouse event occurred.
•Method repaint ( p. 524), inherited indirectly from class Component , indicates that a component
should be refreshed on the screen as soon as possible.
•Method paintComponent receives a Graphics parameter and is called automatically whenever a
lightweight component needs to be displayed on the screen.
Graphics method fillOval (p. 524) draws a solid oval. The first two arguments are the upper-left
x - y coordinate of the bounding box, and the last two are the bounding box's width and height.
Section 12.17 Key Event Handling
• Interface KeyListener (p. 494) is used to handle key events (p. 494) that are generated when keys
on the keyboard are pressed and released. Method addKeyListener of class Component (p. 525)
registers a KeyListener .
KeyEvent (p. 494) method getKeyCode (p. 528) gets the virtual key code (p. 528) of the pressed
key. Class KeyEvent contains virtual key-code constants that represent every key on the keyboard.
KeyEvent method getKeyText (p. 528) returns a string containing the name of the pressed key.
KeyEvent method getKeyChar (p. 528) gets the Unicode value of the character typed.
KeyEvent method isActionKey (p. 528) determines whether the key in an event was an action
key (p. 525).
InputEvent method getModifiers (p. 528) determines whether any modifier keys (such as Shift ,
Alt and Ctrl ) were pressed when the key event occurred.
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