Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Section 12.5 Displaying Text and Images in a Window
• Class JFrame provides the basic attributes and behaviors of a window.
•A JLabel (p. 481) displays read-only text, an image, or both text and an image. Text in a JLabel
normally uses sentence-style capitalization.
• Each GUI component must be attached to a container, such as a window created with a JFrame
(p. 483).
• Many IDEs provide GUI design tools (p. 529) in which you can specify the exact size and loca-
tion of a component by using the mouse; then the IDE will generate the GUI code for you.
JComponent method setToolTipText (p. 483) specifies the tool tip that's displayed when the user
positions the mouse cursor over a lightweight component (p. 480).
Container method add attaches a GUI component to a Container .
• Class ImageIcon (p. 484) supports several image formats, including GIF, PNG and JPEG.
•Method getClass of class Object (p. 484) retrieves a reference to the Class object that represents
the the class declaration for the object on which the method is called.
Class method getResource (p. 484) returns the location of its argument as a URL. The method
getResource uses the Class object's class loader to determine the location of the resource.
• The horizontal and vertical alignments of a JLabel can be set with methods setHorizontal-
Alignment (p. 484) and setVerticalAlignment (p. 484), respectively.
JLabel methods setText (p. 484) and getText (p. 484) set and get the text displayed on a label.
JLabel methods setIcon (p. 484) and getIcon (p. 484) set and get the Icon (p. 484) on a label.
JLabel methods setHorizontalTextPosition (p. 484) and setVerticalTextPosition (p. 484)
specify the text position in the label.
JFrame method setDefaultCloseOperation (p. 485) with constant JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE as the
argument indicates that the program should terminate when the window is closed by the user.
Component method setSize (p. 485) specifies the width and height of a component.
Component method setVisible (p. 485) with the argument true displays a JFrame on the screen.
Section 12.6 Text Fields and an Introduction to Event Handling with Nested Classes
• GUIs are event driven—when the user interacts with a GUI component, events (p. 485) drive
the program to perform tasks.
• An event handler (p. 485) performs a task in response to an event.
• Class JTextField (p. 485) extends JTextComponent (p. 485) of package javax.swing.text ,
which provides common text-based component features. Class JPasswordField (p. 485) extends
JTextField and adds several methods that are specific to processing passwords.
•A JPasswordField (p. 485) shows that characters are being typed as the user enters them, but
hides the actual characters with echo characters (p. 485).
• A component receives the focus (p. 486) when the user clicks the component.
JTextComponent method setEditable (p. 488) can be used to make a text field uneditable.
• To respond to an event for a particular GUI component, you must create a class that represents
the event handler and implements an appropriate event-listener interface (p. 488), then register
an object of the event-handling class as the event handler (p. 488).
•Non- static nested classes (p. 488) are called inner classes and are frequently used for event handling.
• An object of a non- static inner class (p. 488) must be created by an object of the top-level class
(p. 488) that contains the inner class.
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