Java Reference
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Fig. 12.37 | Testing KeyDemoFrame . (Part 2 of 2.)
At line 25, the constructor adds the JTextArea textArea (where the application's
output is displayed) to the JFrame . A JTextArea is a multiline area in which you can dis-
play text. (We discuss JTextArea s in more detail in Section 12.20.) Notice in the screen
captures that textArea occupies the entire window . This is due to the JFrame 's default
BorderLayout (discussed in Section 12.18.2 and demonstrated in Fig. 12.41). When a
single Component is added to a BorderLayout , the Component occupies the entire Con-
tainer . Line 23 disables the JTextArea so the user cannot type in it. This causes the text
in the JTextArea to become gray. Line 24 uses method setDisabledTextColor to change
the text color in the JTextArea to black for readability.
Methods keyPressed (lines 31-37) and keyReleased (lines 40-46) use KeyEvent
method getKeyCode to get the virtual key code of the pressed key. Class KeyEvent con-
tains virtual key-code constants that represent every key on the keyboard. These constants
can be compared with getKeyCode 's return value to test for individual keys on the key-
board. The value returned by getKeyCode is passed to static KeyEvent method getKey-
Text , which returns a string containing the name of the key that was pressed. For a
complete list of virtual key constants, see the online documentation for class KeyEvent
(package java.awt.event ). Method keyTyped (lines 49-54) uses KeyEvent method get-
KeyChar (which returns a char ) to get the Unicode value of the character typed.
All three event-handling methods finish by calling method setLines2and3 (lines 57-
69) and passing it the KeyEvent object. This method uses KeyEvent method isActionKey
(line 60) to determine whether the key in the event was an action key. Also, InputEvent
method getModifiers is called (line 62) to determine whether any modifier keys (such as
Shift , Alt and Ctrl ) were pressed when the key event occurred. The result of this method
is passed to static KeyEvent method getKeyModifiersText , which produces a String
containing the names of the pressed modifier keys.
[ Note: If you need to test for a specific key on the keyboard, class KeyEvent provides
a key constant for each one. These constants can be used from the key event handlers to
determine whether a particular key was pressed. Also, to determine whether the Alt , Ctrl ,
Meta and Shift keys are pressed individually, InputEvent methods isAltDown , isCon-
trolDown , isMetaDown and isShiftDown each return a boolean indicating whether the
particular key was pressed during the key event.]
12.18 Introduction to Layout Managers
Layout managers arrange GUI components in a container for presentation purposes. You
can use the layout managers for basic layout capabilities instead of determining every GUI
component's exact position and size. This functionality enables you to concentrate on the
basic look-and-feel and lets the layout managers process most of the layout details. All lay-
out managers implement the interface LayoutManager (in package java.awt ). Class Con-
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