Java Reference
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The Icon Interface and Class ImageIcon
Icons are a popular way to enhance the look-and-feel of an application and are also com-
monly used to indicate functionality. For example, the same icon is used to play most of
today's media on devices like DVD players and MP3 players. Several Swing components
can display images. An icon is normally specified with an Icon (package javax.swing ) ar-
gument to a constructor or to the component's setIcon method. Class ImageIcon sup-
ports several image formats, including Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), Portable
Network Graphics (PNG) and Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG).
Line 28 declares an ImageIcon . The file bug1.png contains the image to load and store
in the ImageIcon object. This image is included in the directory for this example. The
ImageIcon object is assigned to Icon reference bug .
Loading an Image Resource
In line 28, the expression getClass().getResource("bug1.png") invokes method get-
Class (inherited indirectly from class Object ) to retrieve a reference to the Class object
that represents the LabelFrame class declaration. That reference is then used to invoke
Class method getResource , which returns the location of the image as a URL. The Im-
ageIcon constructor uses the URL to locate the image, then loads it into memory. As we
discussed in Chapter 1, the JVM loads class declarations into memory, using a class loader.
The class loader knows where each class it loads is located on disk. Method getResource
uses the Class object's class loader to determine the location of a resource, such as an image
file. In this example, the image file is stored in the same location as the LabelFrame.class
file. The techniques described here enable an application to load image files from locations
that are relative to the class file's location.
Creating and Attaching label2
Lines 29-30 use another JLabel constructor to create a JLabel that displays the text "La-
bel with text and icon" and the Icon bug created in line 28. The last constructor argu-
ment indicates that the label's contents are left justified, or left aligned (i.e., the icon and
text are at the left side of the label's area on the screen). Interface SwingConstants (package
javax.swing ) declares a set of common integer constants (such as SwingConstants.LEFT ,
SwingConstants.CENTER and SwingConstants.RIGHT ) that are used with many Swing
components. By default, the text appears to the right of the image when a label contains
both text and an image. The horizontal and vertical alignments of a JLabel can be set with
methods setHorizontalAlignment and setVerticalAlignment , respectively. Line 31
specifies the tool-tip text for label2 , and line 32 adds label2 to the JFrame .
Creating and Attaching label3
Class JLabel provides methods to change a JLabel 's appearance after it's been instantiated.
Line 34 creates an empty JLabel with the no-argument constructor. Line 35 uses JLabel
method setText to set the text displayed on the label. Method getText can be used to
retrieve the JLabel 's current text. Line 36 uses JLabel method setIcon to specify the Icon
to display. Method getIcon can be used to retrieve the current Icon displayed on a label.
Lines 37-38 use JLabel methods setHorizontalTextPosition and setVerticalTextPo-
sition to specify the text position in the label. In this case, the text will be centered horizon-
tally and will appear at the bottom of the label. Thus, the Icon will appear above the text. The
horizontal-position constants in SwingConstants are LEFT , CENTER and RIGHT (Fig. 12.8).
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