Java Reference
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11.9 This enables a program to catch related types of exceptions and process them in a uniform
manner. However, it's often useful to process the subclass types individually for more precise excep-
tion handling.
11.10 The finally block is the preferred means for releasing resources to prevent resource leaks.
11.11 First, control passes to the finally block if there is one. Then the exception will be pro-
cessed by a catch block (if one exists) associated with an enclosing try block (if one exists).
11.12 It rethrows the exception for processing by an exception handler of an enclosing try state-
ment, after the finally block of the current try statement executes.
11.13 The reference goes out of scope. If the referenced object becomes unreachable, the object
can be garbage collected.
11.14 (Exceptional Conditions) List the various exceptional conditions that have occurred in pro-
grams throughout this text so far. List as many additional exceptional conditions as you can. For
each of these, describe briefly how a program typically would handle the exception by using the ex-
ception-handling techniques discussed in this chapter. Typical exceptions include division by zero
and array index out of bounds.
11.15 (Exceptions and Constructor Failure) Until this chapter, we've found dealing with errors
detected by constructors to be a bit awkward. Explain why exception handling is an effective means
for dealing with constructor failure.
11.16 (Catching Exceptions with Superclasses) Use inheritance to create an exception superclass
(called ExceptionA ) and exception subclasses ExceptionB and ExceptionC , where ExceptionB inher-
its from ExceptionA and ExceptionC inherits from ExceptionB . Write a program to demonstrate
that the catch block for type ExceptionA catches exceptions of types ExceptionB and ExceptionC .
11.17 (Catching Exceptions Using Class Exception ) Write a program that demonstrates how var-
ious exceptions are caught with
catch (Exception exception)
This time, define classes ExceptionA (which inherits from class Exception ) and ExceptionB (which
inherits from class ExceptionA ). In your program, create try blocks that throw exceptions of types
ExceptionA , ExceptionB , NullPointerException and IOException . All exceptions should be
caught with catch blocks specifying type Exception .
11.18 (Order of catch Blocks) Write a program demonstrating that the order of catch blocks is
important. If you try to catch a superclass exception type before a subclass type, the compiler should
generate errors.
11.19 (Constructor Failure) Write a program that shows a constructor passing information about
constructor failure to an exception handler. Define class SomeClass , which throws an Exception in
the constructor. Your program should try to create an object of type SomeClass and catch the ex-
ception that's thrown from the constructor.
11.20 (Rethrowing Exceptions) Write a program that illustrates rethrowing an exception. Define
methods someMethod and someMethod2 . Method someMethod2 should initially throw an exception.
Method someMethod should call someMethod2 , catch the exception and rethrow it. Call someMethod
from method main , and catch the rethrown exception. Print the stack trace of this exception.
11.21 (Catching Exceptions Using Outer Scopes) Write a program showing that a method with its
own try block does not have to catch every possible error generated within the try . Some exceptions
can slip through to, and be handled in, other scopes.
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