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// throw Exception back to method2
public static void method3() throws Exception
throw new Exception( "Exception thrown in method3" );
} // end class UsingChainedExceptions
java.lang.Exception: Exception thrown in method1
at UsingChainedExceptions.method1(
at UsingChainedExceptions.main(
Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Exception thrown in method2
at UsingChainedExceptions.method2(
at UsingChainedExceptions.method1(
... 1 more
Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Exception thrown in method3
at UsingChainedExceptions.method3(
at UsingChainedExceptions.method2(
... 2 more
Fig. 11.7 | Chained exceptions. (Part 2 of 2.)
Program Flow of Control
The program consists of four methods— main (lines 6-16), method1 (lines 19-29),
method2 (lines 32-42) and method3 (lines 45-48). Line 10 in method main 's try block
calls method1 . Line 23 in method1 's try block calls method2 . Line 36 in method2 's try
block calls method3 . In method3 , line 47 throws a new Exception . Because this statement
is not in a try block, method3 terminates, and the exception is returned to the calling
method ( method2 ) at line 36. This statement is in a try block; therefore, the try block
terminates and the exception is caught at lines 38-41. Line 40 in the catch block throws
a new exception. In this case, the Exception constructor with two arguments is called. The
second argument represents the exception that was the original cause of the problem. In
this program, that exception occurred at line 47. Because an exception is thrown from the
catch block, method2 terminates and returns the new exception to the calling method
( method1 ) at line 23. Once again, this statement is in a try block, so the try block termi-
nates and the exception is caught at lines 25-28. Line 27 in the catch block throws a new
exception and uses the exception that was caught as the second argument to the Exception
constructor. Because an exception is thrown from the catch block, method1 terminates
and returns the new exception to the calling method ( main ) at line 10. The try block in
main terminates, and the exception is caught at lines 12-15. Line 14 prints a stack trace.
Program Output
Notice in the program output that the first three lines show the most recent exception that
was thrown (i.e., the one from method1 at line 27). The next four lines indicate the excep-
tion that was thrown from method2 at line 40. Finally, the last four lines represent the ex-
ception that was thrown from method3 at line 47. Also notice that, as you read the output
in reverse, it shows how many more chained exceptions remain.
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