Java Reference
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If an InputMismatchException is generated by lines 25 or 27, the try block termi-
nates and execution continues with the catch block at lines 34-41. In this case, method
quotient is not called. Then method main continues after the last catch block (line 48).
11.4 When to Use Exception Handling
Exception handling is designed to process synchronous errors , which occur when a state-
ment executes. Common examples we'll see throughout the topic are out-of-range array in-
dices , arithmetic overflow (i.e., a value outside the representable range of values), division by
zero , invalid method parameters and thread interruption (as we'll see in Chapter 23). Excep-
tion handling is not designed to process problems associated with asynchronous events
(e.g., disk I/O completions, network message arrivals, mouse clicks and keystrokes), which
occur in parallel with, and independent of , the program's flow of control.
Software Engineering Observation 11.2
Incorporate your exception-handling and error-recovery strategy into your system from the
inception of the design process—including these after a system has been implemented can
be difficult.
Software Engineering Observation 11.3
Exception handling provides a single, uniform technique for documenting, detecting and
recovering from errors. This helps programmers working on large projects understand each
other's error-processing code.
Software Engineering Observation 11.4
There's a great variety of situations that generate exceptions—some exceptions are easier
to recover from than others.
11.5 Java Exception Hierarchy
All Java exception classes inherit directly or indirectly from class Exception , forming an
inheritance hierarchy . You can extend this hierarchy with your own exception classes.
Figure 11.4 shows a small portion of the inheritance hierarchy for class Throwable (a
subclass of Object ), which is the superclass of class Exception . Only Throwable objects
can be used with the exception-handling mechanism. Class Throwable has two direct sub-
classes: Exception and Error . Class Exception and its subclasses—for instance, Runtime-
Exception (package java.lang ) and IOException (package )—represent
exceptional situations that can occur in a Java program and that can be caught by the
application. Class Error and its subclasses represent abnormal situations that happen in
the JVM. Most Error s happen infrequently and should not be caught by applications—it's
usually not possible for applications to recover from Error s.
The Java exception hierarchy contains hundreds of classes. Information about Java's
exception classes can be found throughout the Java API. You can view Throwable 's docu-
mentation at . From
there, you can look at this class's subclasses to get more information about Java's Excep-
tion s and Error s.
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