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classes have many similarities. Using inheritance, we can “factor out” the common features
from all three classes and place them in a single shape superclass . Then, using variables of
the superclass type, we can manipulate shape objects polymorphically . Removing the re-
dundant code will result in a smaller, more flexible program that's easier to maintain.
GUI and Graphics Case Study Exercises
10.1 Modify the MyLine , MyOval and MyRectangle classes of GUI and Graphics Case Study
Exercise 8.1 and Exercise 9.1 to create the class hierarchy in Fig. 10.17. Classes of the MyShape hi-
erarchy should be “smart” shape classes that know how to draw themselves (if provided with a
Graphics object that tells them where to draw). Once the program creates an object from this hier-
archy, it can manipulate it polymorphically for the rest of its lifetime as a MyShape .
Fig. 10.17 | MyShape hierarchy.
In your solution, class MyShape in Fig. 10.17 must be abstract . Since MyShape represents any
shape in general, you cannot implement a draw method without knowing specifically what shape it
is. The data representing the coordinates and color of the shapes in the hierarchy should be
declared as private members of class MyShape . In addition to the common data, class MyShape
should declare the following methods:
A no-argument constructor that sets all the coordinates of the shape to 0 and the color to
Color.BLACK .
A constructor that initializes the coordinates and color to the values of the arguments
Set methods for the individual coordinates and color that allow the programmer to set
any piece of data independently for a shape in the hierarchy.
Get methods for the individual coordinates and color that allow the programmer to re-
trieve any piece of data independently for a shape in the hierarchy.
The abstract method
public abstract void draw(Graphics g);
which the program's paintComponent method will call to draw a shape on the screen.
To ensure proper encapsulation, all data in class MyShape must be private . This requires
declaring proper set and get methods to manipulate the data. Class MyLine should provide a no-
argument constructor and a constructor with arguments for the coordinates and color. Classes
MyOval and MyRectangle should provide a no-argument constructor and a constructor with argu-
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