Java Reference
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name of the interface to the end of your class declaration's first line. A class that does not
implement all the methods of the interface is an abstract class and must be declared
abstract . Implementing an interface is like signing a contract with the compiler that states,
“I will declare all the methods specified by the interface or I will declare my class abstract .”
Common Programming Error 10.6
Failing to implement any method of an interface in a concrete class that implements the in-
terface results in a compilation error indicating that the class must be declared abstract .
Relating Disparate Types
An interface is often used when disparate classes—i.e., classes that are not related by a class
hierarchy—need to share common methods and constants. This allows objects of unrelat-
ed classes to be processed polymorphically —objects of classes that implement the same in-
terface can respond to the same method calls. You can create an interface that describes the
desired functionality, then implement this interface in any classes that require that func-
tionality. For example, in the accounts payable application developed in this section, we
implement interface Payable in any class that must be able to calculate a payment amount
(e.g., Employee , Invoice ).
Interfaces vs. Abstract Classes
An interface is often used in place of an abstract class when there's no default implementation to
inherit —that is, no fields and no default method implementations. Like public abstract
classes, interfaces are typically public types. Like a public class, a public interface must be
declared in a file with the same name as the interface and the .java filename extension.
Software Engineering Observation 10.7
Many developers feel that interfaces are an even more important modeling technology than
classes, especially with the new interface enhancements in Java SE 8 (see Section 10.10).
Tagging Interfaces
We'll see in Chapter 15, Files, Streams and Object Serialization, the notion of tagging in-
terfaces (also called marker interfaces )—empty interfaces that have no methods or constant
values. They're used to add is-a relationships to classes. For example, in Chapter 15 we'll
discuss a mechanism called object serialization , which can convert objects to byte represen-
tations and can convert those byte representations back to objects. To enable this mecha-
nism to work with your objects, you simply have to mark them as Serializable by adding
implements Serializable to the end of your class declaration's first line. Then, all the
objects of your class have the is-a relationship with Serializable .
10.9.1 Developing a Payable Hierarchy
To build an application that can determine payments for employees and invoices alike, we
first create interface Payable , which contains method getPaymentAmount that returns a
double amount that must be paid for an object of any class that implements the interface.
Method getPaymentAmount is a general-purpose version of method earnings of the
Employee hierarchy—method earnings calculates a payment amount specifically for an
Employee , while getPaymentAmount can be applied to a broad range of possibly unrelated
objects. After declaring interface Payable , we introduce class Invoice , which implements
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