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Similarly, if lines 56 and 60 used superclass variable currentEmployee to invoke sub-
class-only methods getBaseSalary and setBaseSalary , we'd receive “ cannot find
symbol ” compilation errors at these lines. Attempting to invoke subclass-only methods via
a superclass variable is not allowed—even though lines 56 and 60 execute only if
instanceof in line 49 returns true to indicate that currentEmployee holds a reference to
a BasePlusCommissionEmployee object. Using a superclass Employee variable, we can
invoke only methods found in class Employee earnings , toString and Employee 's get
and set methods.
Software Engineering Observation 10.5
Although the actual method that's called depends on the runtime type of the object to
which a variable refers, a variable can be used to invoke only those methods that are
members of that variable's type, which the compiler verifies.
10.6 Allowed Assignments Between Superclass and
Subclass Variables
Now that you've seen a complete application that processes diverse subclass objects polymor-
phically , we summarize what you can and cannot do with superclass and subclass objects
and variables. Although a subclass object also is a superclass object, the two classes are nev-
ertheless different. As discussed previously, subclass objects can be treated as objects of their
superclass. But because the subclass can have additional subclass-only members, assigning
a superclass reference to a subclass variable is not allowed without an explicit cast —such an
assignment would leave the subclass members undefined for the superclass object.
We've discussed three proper ways to assign superclass and subclass references to vari-
ables of superclass and subclass types:
1. Assigning a superclass reference to a superclass variable is straightforward.
2. Assigning a subclass reference to a subclass variable is straightforward.
3. Assigning a subclass reference to a superclass variable is safe, because the subclass
object is an object of its superclass. However, the superclass variable can be used
to refer only to superclass members. If this code refers to subclass-only members
through the superclass variable, the compiler reports errors.
10.7 final Methods and Classes
We saw in Sections 6.3 and 6.10 that variables can be declared final to indicate that they
cannot be modified after they're initialized—such variables represent constant values. It's
also possible to declare methods, method parameters and classes with the final modifier.
Final Methods Cannot Be Overridden
A final method in a superclass cannot be overridden in a subclass—this guarantees that
the final method implementation will be used by all direct and indirect subclasses in the
hierarchy. Methods that are declared private are implicitly final , because it's not possi-
ble to override them in a subclass. Methods that are declared static are also implicitly fi-
nal . A final method's declaration can never change, so all subclasses use the same method
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