Java Reference
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ple, subclasses inherit the notion of what it means to be a Shape —perhaps common attri-
butes such as location , color and borderThickness , and behaviors such as draw , move ,
resize and changeColor . Classes that can be used to instantiate objects are called concrete
classes . Such classes provide implementations of every method they declare (some of the
implementations can be inherited). For example, we could derive concrete classes Circle ,
Square and Triangle from abstract superclass TwoDimensionalShape . Similarly, we could
derive concrete classes Sphere , Cube and Tetrahedron from abstract superclass ThreeDi-
mensionalShape . Abstract superclasses are too general to create real objects—they specify
only what is common among subclasses. We need to be more specific before we can create
objects. For example, if you send the draw message to abstract class TwoDimensionalShape ,
the class knows that two-dimensional shapes should be drawable , but it does not know
what specific shape to draw, so it cannot implement a real draw method. Concrete classes
provide the specifics that make it reasonable to instantiate objects.
Not all hierarchies contain abstract classes. However, you'll often write client code
that uses only abstract superclass types to reduce the client code's dependencies on a range
of subclass types. For example, you can write a method with a parameter of an abstract
superclass type. When called, such a method can receive an object of any concrete class that
directly or indirectly extends the superclass specified as the parameter's type.
Abstract classes sometimes constitute several levels of a hierarchy. For example, the
Shape hierarchy of Fig. 9.3 begins with abstract class Shape . On the next level of the hier-
archy are abstract classes TwoDimensionalShape and ThreeDimensionalShape . The next
level of the hierarchy declares concrete classes for TwoDimensionalShape s ( Circle , Square
and Triangle ) and for ThreeDimensionalShape s ( Sphere , Cube and Tetrahedron ).
Declaring an Abstract Class and Abstract Methods
You make a class abstract by declaring it with keyword abstract . An abstract class nor-
mally contains one or more abstract methods . An abstract method is an instance method
with keyword abstract in its declaration, as in
public abstract void draw(); // abstract method
Abstract methods do not provide implementations. A class that contains any abstract
methods must be explicitly declared abstract even if that class contains some concrete
(nonabstract) methods. Each concrete subclass of an abstract superclass also must provide
concrete implementations of each of the superclass's abstract methods. Constructors and
static methods cannot be declared abstract . Constructors are not inherited, so an
abstract constructor could never be implemented. Though non- private static
methods are inherited, they cannot be overridden. Since abstract methods are meant to
be overridden so that they can process objects based on their types, it would not make
sense to declare a static method as abstract .
Software Engineering Observation 10.4
An abstract class declares common attributes and behaviors (both abstract and concrete)
of the various classes in a class hierarchy. An abstract class typically contains one or more
abstract methods that subclasses must override if they are to be concrete. The instance
variables and concrete methods of an abstract class are subject to the normal rules of
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