Java Reference
In-Depth Information error: lastName has private access in
"base-salaried commission employee", firstName, lastName,
^ error: socialSecurityNumber has private
access in CommissionEmployee
"social security number", socialSecurityNumber,
^ error: grossSales has private access in
"gross sales", grossSales, "commission rate", commissionRate,
^ error: commissionRate has private access
"gross sales", grossSales, "commission rate", commissionRate,
Fig. 9.8 | private superclass members cannot be accessed in a subclass. (Part 3 of 3.)
A Subclass's Constructor Must Call Its Superclass's Constructor
Each subclass constructor must implicitly or explicitly call one of its superclass's construc-
tors to initialize the instance variables inherited from the superclass. Lines 14-15 in Base-
PlusCommissionEmployee 's six-argument constructor (lines 9-23) explicitly call class
CommissionEmployee 's five-argument constructor (declared at lines 13-34 of Fig. 9.4) to
initialize the superclass portion of a BasePlusCommissionEmployee object (i.e., variables
firstName , lastName , socialSecurityNumber , grossSales and commissionRate ). We
do this by using the superclass constructor call syntax —keyword super , followed by a set
of parentheses containing the superclass constructor arguments, which are used to initial-
ize the superclass instance variables firstName , lastName , socialSecurityNumber ,
grossSales and commissionRate , respectively. If BasePlusCommissionEmployee 's con-
structor did not invoke the superclass's constructor explicitly, the compiler would attempt
to insert a call to the superclass's default or no-argument constructor. Class Commission-
Employee does not have such a constructor, so the compiler would issue an error. The ex-
plicit superclass constructor call in lines 14-15 of Fig. 9.8 must be the first statement in
the constructor's body. When a superclass contains a no-argument constructor, you can
use super() to call that constructor explicitly, but this is rarely done.
Software Engineering Observation 9.6
You learned previously that you should not call a class's instance methods from its
constructors and that we'll say why in Chapter 10. Calling a superclass constructor from
a subclass constructor does not contradict this advice.
BasePlusCommissionEmployee Methods Earnings and toString
The compiler generates errors for line 46 (Fig. 9.8) because CommissionEmployee 's in-
stance variables commissionRate and grossSales are private —subclass BasePlusCom-
missionEmployee 's methods are not allowed to access superclass CommissionEmployee 's
private instance variables. We used red text in Fig. 9.8 to indicate erroneous code. The
compiler issues additional errors at lines 56-58 of BasePlusCommissionEmployee 's to-
String method for the same reason. The errors in BasePlusCommissionEmployee could
have been prevented by using the get methods inherited from class CommissionEmployee .
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