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Employee information obtained by get methods:
First name is Bob
Last name is Lewis
Social security number is 333-33-3333
Gross sales is 5000.00
Commission rate is 0.04
Base salary is 300.00
Updated employee information obtained by toString:
base-salaried commission employee: Bob Lewis
social security number: 333-33-3333
gross sales: 5000.00
commission rate: 0.04
base salary: 1000.00
Fig. 9.7 | BasePlusCommissionEmployee test program. (Part 2 of 2.)
Notes on Class BasePlusCommissionEmployee
Much of class BasePlusCommissionEmployee 's code (Fig. 9.6) is similar , or identical , to
that of class CommissionEmployee (Fig. 9.4). For example, private instance variables
firstName and lastName and methods setFirstName , getFirstName , setLastName and
getLastName are identical to those of class CommissionEmployee . The classes also both
contain private instance variables socialSecurityNumber , commissionRate and gross-
Sales , and corresponding get and set methods. In addition, the BasePlusCommissionEm-
ployee constructor is almost identical to that of class CommissionEmployee , except that
BasePlusCommissionEmployee 's constructor also sets the baseSalary . The other addi-
tions to class BasePlusCommissionEmployee are private instance variable baseSalary
and methods setBaseSalary and getBaseSalary . Class BasePlusCommissionEmployee 's
toString method is almost identical to that of class CommissionEmployee except that it
also outputs instance variable baseSalary with two digits of precision to the right of the
decimal point.
We literally copied code from class CommissionEmployee and pasted it into class Base-
PlusCommissionEmployee , then modified class BasePlusCommissionEmployee to include
a base salary and methods that manipulate the base salary. This “copy-and-paste” approach
is often error prone and time consuming. Worse yet, it spreads copies of the same code
throughout a system, creating code-maintenance problems—changes to the code would
need to be made in multiple classes. Is there a way to “acquire” the instance variables and
methods of one class in a way that makes them part of other classes without duplicating
code ? Next we answer this question, using a more elegant approach to building classes that
emphasizes the benefits of inheritance.
Software Engineering Observation 9.3
With inheritance, the instance variables and methods that are the same for all the classes
in the hierarchy are declared in a superclass. Changes made to these common features in
the superclass are inherited by the subclass. Without inheritance, changes would need to
be made to all the source-code files that contain a copy of the code in question.
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