Java Reference
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112 // get second value
113 public int getSecond()
114 {
115 return second;
116 }
118 // convert to String in universal-time format (HH:MM:SS)
119 public String toUniversalString()
120 {
121 return String.format(
122 "%02d:%02d:%02d" , getHour(), getMinute(), getSecond());
123 }
125 // convert to String in standard-time format (H:MM:SS AM or PM)
126 public String toString()
127 {
128 return String.format( "%d:%02d:%02d %s" ,
129 ((getHour() == 0 || getHour() == 12 ) ? 12 : getHour() % 12 ),
130 getMinute(), getSecond(), (getHour() < 12 ? "AM" : "PM" ));
131 }
132 } // end class Time2
Fig. 8.5 | Time2 class with overloaded constructors. (Part 4 of 4.)
Class Time2 's Constructors—Calling One Constructor from Another via this
Lines 12-15 declare a so-called no-argument constructor that's invoked without arguments.
Once you declare any constructors in a class, the compiler will not provide a default construc-
tor . This no-argument constructor ensures that class Time2 's clients can create Time2 objects
with default values. Such a constructor simply initializes the object as specified in the con-
structor's body. In the body, we introduce a use of this that's allowed only as the first state-
ment in a constructor's body. Line 14 uses this in method-call syntax to invoke the Time2
constructor that takes three parameters (lines 30-44) with values of 0 for the hour , minute
and second . Using this as shown here is a popular way to reuse initialization code provided
by another of the class's constructors rather than defining similar code in the no-argument
constructor's body. We use this syntax in four of the five Time2 constructors to make the class
easier to maintain and modify. If we need to change how objects of class Time2 are initialized,
only the constructor that the class's other constructors call will need to be modified.
Common Programming Error 8.2
It's a compilation error when this is used in a constructor's body to call another of the
class's constructors if that call is not the first statement in the constructor. It's also a com-
pilation error when a method attempts to invoke a constructor directly via this .
Lines 18-21 declare a Time2 constructor with a single int parameter representing the
hour , which is passed with 0 for the minute and second to the constructor at lines 30-44.
Lines 24-27 declare a Time2 constructor that receives two int parameters representing the
hour and minute , which are passed with 0 for the second to the constructor at lines 30-
44. Like the no-argument constructor, each of these constructors invokes the constructor
at lines 30-44 to minimize code duplication. Lines 30-44 declare the Time2 constructor
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