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24 , because universal-time format represents hours as integers from 0 to 23 (e.g., 1 PM is
hour 13 and 11 PM is hour 23; midnight is hour 0 and noon is hour 12). Similarly, both
minute and second values must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 60 . For values
outside these ranges, setTime throws an exception of type IllegalArgumentException
(lines 18-19), which notifies the client code that an invalid argument was passed to the
method. As you learned in Section 7.5, you can use try ... catch to catch exceptions and
attempt to recover from them, which we'll do in Fig. 8.2. The class instance creation ex-
pression in the throw statement (Fig. 8.1; line 18) creates a new object of type Illegal-
ArgumentException . The parentheses following the class name indicate a call to the
IllegalArgumentException constructor. In this case, we call the constructor that allows
us to specify a custom error message. After the exception object is created, the throw state-
ment immediately terminates method setTime and the exception is returned to the calling
method that attempted to set the time. If the argument values are all valid, lines 22-24
assign them to the hour , minute and second instance variables.
Software Engineering Observation 8.1
For a method like setTime in Fig. 8.1, validate all of the method's arguments before using
them to set instance variable values to ensure that the object's data is modified only if all
the arguments are valid.
Method toUniversalString
Method toUniversalString (lines 28-31) takes no arguments and returns a String in
universal-time format , consisting of two digits each for the hour, minute and second—re-
call that you can use the 0 flag in a printf format specification (e.g., "%02d" ) to display
leading zeros for a value that doesn't use all the character positions in the specified field
width. For example, if the time were 1:30:07 PM, the method would return 13:30:07 .
Line 30 uses static method format of class String to return a String containing the for-
matted hour , minute and second values, each with two digits and possibly a leading 0
(specified with the 0 flag). Method format is similar to method System.out.printf ex-
cept that format returns a formatted String rather than displaying it in a command win-
dow. The formatted String is returned by method toUniversalString .
Method toString
Method toString (lines 34-39) takes no arguments and returns a String in standard-time
format , consisting of the hour , minute and second values separated by colons and followed
by AM or PM (e.g., 11:30:17 AM or 1:27:06 PM ). Like method toUniversalString , meth-
od toString uses static String method format to format the minute and second as two-
digit values, with leading zeros if necessary. Line 37 uses a conditional operator ( ?: ) to de-
termine the value for hour in the String —if the hour is 0 or 12 (AM or PM), it appears
as 12; otherwise, it appears as a value from 1 to 11. The conditional operator in line 30
determines whether AM or PM will be returned as part of the String .
Recall all objects in Java have a toString method that returns a String representation
of the object. We chose to return a String containing the time in standard-time format.
Method toString is called implicitly whenever a Time1 object appears in the code where
a String is needed, such as the value to output with a %s format specifier in a call to
System.out.printf . You may also call toString explicitly to obtain a String representa-
tion of a Time object.
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