Java Reference
In-Depth Information
ArrayList<T> (package java.util ) provides a convenient solution to this problem—it
can dynamically change its size to accommodate more elements. The T (by convention) is
a placeholder —when declaring a new ArrayList , replace it with the type of elements that
you want the ArrayList to hold. For example,
ArrayList<String> list;
declares list as an ArrayList collection that can store only String s. Classes with this
kind of placeholder that can be used with any type are called generic classes . Only
nonprimitive types can be used to declare variables and create objects of generic classes . How-
ever, Java provides a mechanism—known as boxing —that allows primitive values to be
wrapped as objects for use with generic classes. So, for example,
ArrayList<Integer> integers;
declares integers as an ArrayList that can store only Integer s. When you place an int
value into an ArrayList<Integer> , the int value is boxed (wrapped) as an Integer object,
and when you get an Integer object from an ArrayList<Integer> , then assign the object
to an int variable, the int value inside the object is unboxed (unwrapped).
Additional generic collection classes and generics are discussed in Chapters 16 and 20,
respectively. Figure 7.23 shows some common methods of class ArrayList<T> .
Adds an element to the end of the ArrayList .
Removes all the elements from the ArrayList .
Returns true if the ArrayList contains the specified element; otherwise,
returns false .
Returns the element at the specified index.
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in the
ArrayList .
Overloaded. Removes the first occurrence of the specified value or the ele-
ment at the specified index.
Returns the number of elements stored in the ArrayList .
Trims the capacity of the ArrayList to the current number of elements.
Fig. 7.23 | Some methods and properties of class ArrayList<T> .
Demonstrating an ArrayList<String>
Figure 7.24 demonstrates some common ArrayList capabilities. Line 10 creates a new
empty ArrayList of String s with a default initial capacity of 10 elements. The capacity
indicates how many items the ArrayList can hold without growing . ArrayList is imple-
mented using a conventional array behind the scenes. When the ArrayList grows, it must
create a larger internal array and copy each element to the new array. This is a time-con-
suming operation. It would be inefficient for the ArrayList to grow each time an element
is added. Instead, it grows only when an element is added and the number of elements is
equal to the capacity—i.e., there's no space for the new element.
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