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7.14 Using Command-Line Arguments
It's possible to pass arguments from the command line to an application via method main 's
String[] parameter, which receives an array of String s. By convention, this parameter is
named args . When an application is executed using the java command, Java passes the
command-line arguments that appear after the class name in the java command to the
application's main method as String s in the array args . The number of command-line ar-
guments is obtained by accessing the array's length attribute. Common uses of command-
line arguments include passing options and filenames to applications.
Our next example uses command-line arguments to determine the size of an array, the
value of its first element and the increment used to calculate the values of the array's
remaining elements. The command
java InitArray 5 0 4
passes three arguments, 5 , 0 and 4 , to the application InitArray . Command-line argu-
ments are separated by white space, not commas. When this command executes, InitAr-
ray 's main method receives the three-element array args (i.e., args.length is 3 ) in which
args[0] contains the String "5" , args[1] contains the String "0" and args[2] contains
the String "4" . The program determines how to use these arguments—in Fig. 7.21 we
convert the three command-line arguments to int values and use them to initialize an ar-
ray. When the program executes, if args.length is not 3 , the program prints an error mes-
sage and terminates (lines 9-12). Otherwise, lines 14-32 initialize and display the array
based on the values of the command-line arguments.
Line 16 gets args[0] —a String that specifies the array size—and converts it to an
int value that the program uses to create the array in line 17. The static method
parseInt of class Integer converts its String argument to an int .
Lines 20-21 convert the args[1] and args[2] command-line arguments to int
values and store them in initialValue and increment , respectively. Lines 24-25 calcu-
late the value for each array element.
// Fig. 7.21:
// Initializing an array using command-line arguments.
public class InitArray
public static void main(
String[] args
// check number of command-line arguments
if (
args.length != 3
"Error: Please re-enter the entire command, including%n" +
"an array size, initial value and increment.%n" );
// get array size from first command-line argument
int arrayLength = Integer.parseInt(args[ 0 ]);
int [] array = new int [arrayLength];
Fig. 7.21 | Initializing an array using command-line arguments. (Part 1 of 2.)
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