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for ( int column = 0 ; column < a[ 2 ].length; column++)
a[ 2 ][column] = 0 ;
We specified row 2 ; therefore, we know that the first index is always 2 ( 0 is the first row,
and 1 is the second row). This for loop varies only the second index (i.e., the column in-
dex). If row 2 of array a contains four elements, then the preceding for statement is equiv-
alent to the assignment statements
a[ 2 ][ 0 ] = 0 ;
a[ 2 ][ 1 ] = 0 ;
a[ 2 ][ 2 ] = 0 ;
a[ 2 ][ 3 ] = 0 ;
The following nested for statement totals the values of all the elements in array a :
int total = 0 ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < a.length; row++)
for ( int column = 0 ; column < a[row].length; column++)
total += a[row][column];
These nested for statements total the array elements one row at a time . The outer for state-
ment begins by setting the row index to 0 so that the first row's elements can be totaled by
the inner for statement. The outer for then increments row to 1 so that the second row
can be totaled. Then, the outer for increments row to 2 so that the third row can be to-
taled. The variable total can be displayed when the outer for statement terminates. In
the next example, we show how to process a two-dimensional array in a similar manner
using nested enhanced for statements.
7.12 Case Study: Class GradeBook Using a Two-
Dimensional Array
In Section 7.10, we presented class GradeBook (Fig. 7.14), which used a one-dimensional
array to store student grades on a single exam. In most semesters, students take several ex-
ams. Professors are likely to want to analyze grades across the entire semester, both for a
single student and for the class as a whole.
Storing Student Grades in a Two-Dimensional Array in Class GradeBook
Figure 7.18 contains a GradeBook class that uses a two-dimensional array grades to store
the grades of several students on multiple exams. Each row of the array represents a single
student's grades for the entire course, and each column represents the grades of all the stu-
dents who took a particular exam. Class GradeBookTest (Fig. 7.19) passes the array as an
argument to the GradeBook constructor. In this example, we use a ten-by-three array for ten
students' grades on three exams. Five methods perform array manipulations to process the
grades. Each method is similar to its counterpart in the earlier one-dimensional array ver-
sion of GradeBook (Fig. 7.14). Method getMinimum (lines 46-62) determines the lowest
grade of any student for the semester. Method getMaximum (lines 65-83) determines the
highest grade of any student for the semester. Method getAverage (lines 86-96) deter-
mines a particular student's semester average. Method outputBarChart (lines 99-129) out-
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