Java Reference
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7.11 Multidimensional Arrays
Multidimensional arrays with two dimensions are often used to represent tables of values
with data arranged in rows and columns . To identify a particular table element, you specify
two indices. By convention , the first identifies the element's row and the second its column.
Arrays that require two indices to identify each element are called two-dimensional arrays .
(Multidimensional arrays can have more than two dimensions.) Java does not support mul-
tidimensional arrays directly, but it allows you to specify one-dimensional arrays whose ele-
ments are also one-dimensional arrays, thus achieving the same effect. Figure 7.16 illustrates
a two-dimensional array named a with three rows and four columns (i.e., a three-by-four ar-
ray). In general, an array with m rows and n columns is called an m -by- n array .
Column 0
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Row 0
a[ 0 ][ 0 ]
a[ 0 ][ 1 ]
a[ 0 ][ 2 ]
a[ 0 ][ 3 ]
Row 1
a[ 1 ][ 0 ]
a[ 1 ][ 1 ]
a[ 1 ][ 2 ]
a[ 1 ][ 3 ]
Row 2
a[ 2 ][ 0 ]
a[ 2 ][ 1 ]
a[ 2 ][ 2 ]
a[ 2 ][ 3 ]
Column index
Row index
Array name
Fig. 7.16 | Two-dimensional array with three rows and four columns.
Every element in array a is identified in Fig. 7.16 by an array-access expression of the form
a[ row ][ column ] ; a is the name of the array, and row and column are the indices that uniquely
identify each element by row and column index. The names of the elements in row 0 all have
a first index of 0 , and the names of the elements in column 3 all have a second index of 3 .
Arrays of One-Dimensional Arrays
Like one-dimensional arrays, multidimensional arrays can be initialized with array initial-
izers in declarations. A two-dimensional array b with two rows and two columns could be
declared and initialized with nested array initializers as follows:
int [][] b = {{ 1 , 2 }, { 3 , 4 }};
The initial values are grouped by row in braces. So 1 and 2 initialize b[0][0] and b[0][1] ,
respectively, and 3 and 4 initialize b[1][0] and b[1][1] , respectively. The compiler
counts the number of nested array initializers (represented by sets of braces within the out-
er braces) to determine the number of rows in array b . The compiler counts the initializer
values in the nested array initializer for a row to determine the number of columns in that
row. As we'll see momentarily, this means that rows can have different lengths .
Multidimensional arrays are maintained as arrays of one-dimensional arrays . Therefore
array b in the preceding declaration is actually composed of two separate one-dimensional
arrays—one containing the values in the first nested initializer list {1, 2} and one con-
taining the values in the second nested initializer list {3, 4} . Thus, array b itself is an array
of two elements, each a one-dimensional array of int values.
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