Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The Java Abstract Window Toolkit Event Package contains classes and
interfaces that enable event handling for GUI components in both the
java.awt and javax.swing packages. (See Chapter 12, GUI Compo-
nents: Part 1, and Chapter 22, GUI Components: Part 2.)
The Java 2D Shapes Package contains classes and interfaces for work-
ing with Java's advanced two-dimensional graphics capabilities. (See
Chapter 13, .)
The Java Input/Output Package contains classes and interfaces that
enable programs to input and output data. (See Chapter 15, Files,
Streams and Object Serialization.)
The Java Language Package contains classes and interfaces (discussed
throughout the topic) that are required by many Java programs. This
package is imported by the compiler into all programs.
The Java Networking Package contains classes and interfaces that
enable programs to communicate via computer networks like the Inter-
net. (See online Chapter 28, Networking.)
The Java Security Package contains classes and interfaces for enhancing
application security.
The JDBC Package contains classes and interfaces for working with
databases. (See Chapter 24, Accessing Databases with JDBC.)
The Java Utilities Package contains utility classes and interfaces that
enable storing and processing of large amounts of data. Many of these
classes and interfaces have been updated to support Java SE 8's new
lambda capabilities. (See Chapter 16, Generic Collections.)
The Java Concurrency Package contains utility classes and interfaces
for implementing programs that can perform multiple tasks in parallel.
(See Chapter 23, Concurrency.)
The Java Swing GUI Components Package contains classes and inter-
faces for Java's Swing GUI components that provide support for porta-
ble GUIs. This package still uses some elements of the older java.awt
package. (See Chapter 12, GUI Components: Part 1, and Chapter 22,
GUI Components: Part 2.)
The Java Swing Event Package contains classes and interfaces that
enable event handling (e.g., responding to button clicks) for GUI com-
ponents in package javax.swing . (See Chapter 12, GUI Components:
Part 1, and Chapter 22, GUI Components: Part 2.)
The JAX-WS Package contains classes and interfaces for working with
web services in Java. (See online Chapter 32, REST-Based Web Services.)
javafx packages
JavaFX is the preferred GUI technology for the future. We discuss these
packages in Chapter 25, JavaFX GUI: Part 1 and in the online JavaFX
GUI and multimedia chapters.
Fig. 6.5 | Java API packages (a subset). (Part 1 of 2.)
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