Java Reference
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In Chapter 10, Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism and Interfaces, we
present a more elegant way to implement switch logic—we use a technique called poly-
morphism to create programs that are often clearer, easier to maintain and easier to extend
than programs using switch logic.
5.7 Class AutoPolicy Case Study: String s in switch
String s can be used as controlling expressions in switch statements, and String literals
can be used in case labels. To demonstrate that String s can be used as controlling expres-
sions in switch statements and that String literals can be used in case labels, we'll imple-
ment an app that meets the following requirements:
You've been hired by an auto insurance company that serves these northeast states—
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsyl-
vania, Rhode Island and Vermont. The company would like you to create a program
that produces a report indicating for each of their auto insurance policies whether the
policy is held in a state with “no-fault” auto insurance—Massachusetts, New Jersey,
New York and Pennsylvania.
The Java app that meets these requirements contains two classes— AutoPolicy (Fig. 5.11)
and AutoPolicyTest (Fig. 5.12).
Class AutoPolicy
Class AutoPolicy (Fig. 5.11) represents an auto insurance policy. The class contains:
int instance variable accountNumber (line 5) to store the policy's account number
String instance variable makeAndModel (line 6) to store the car's make and model
(such as a "Toyota Camry" )
String instance variable state (line 7) to store a two-character state abbreviation
representing the state in which the policy is held (e.g., "MA" for Massachusetts)
• a constructor (lines 10-15) that initializes the class's instance variables
•m t s setAccountNumber and getAccountNumber (lines 18-27) to set and get
an AutoPolicy 's accountNumber instance variable
•m t s setMakeAndModel and getMakeAndModel (lines 30-39) to set and get an
AutoPolicy 's makeAndModel instance variable
•m t s setState and getState (lines 42-51) to set and get an AutoPolicy 's
state instance variable
•m t d isNoFaultState (lines 54-70) to return a boolean value indicating
whether the policy is held in a no-fault auto insurance state; note the method
name—the naming convention for a get method that returns a boolean value is
to begin the name with "is" rather than "get" (such a method is commonly
called a predicate method ).
In method isNoFaultState , the switch statement's controlling expression (line 59) is the
String returned by AutoPolicy method getState . The switch statement compares the
controlling expression's value with the case labels (line 61) to determine whether the pol-
icy is held in Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York or Pennsylvania (the no-fault states).
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