Java Reference
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while ( condition );
which can be confusing. A reader may misinterpret the last line— while( condition ); —as
a while statement containing an empty statement (the semicolon by itself). Thus, the
do while statement with one body statement is usually written with braces as follows:
} while ( condition );
Good Programming Practice 5.2
Always include braces in a do while statement. This helps eliminate ambiguity between
the while statement and a do while statement containing only one statement.
5.6 switch Multiple-Selection Statement
Chapter 4 discussed the if single-selection statement and the if else double-selection
statement. The switch multiple-selection statement performs different actions based on
the possible values of a constant integral expression of type byte , short , int or char . As
of Java SE 7, the expression may also be a String , which we discuss in Section 5.7.
Using a switch Statement to Count A, B, C, D and F Grades
Figure 5.9 calculates the class average of a set of numeric grades entered by the user, and
uses a switch statement to determine whether each grade is the equivalent of an A, B, C,
D or F and to increment the appropriate grade counter. The program also displays a sum-
mary of the number of students who received each grade.
Like earlier versions of the class-average program, the main method of class Letter-
Grades (Fig. 5.9) declares local variables total (line 9) and gradeCounter (line 10) to
keep track of the sum of the grades entered by the user and the number of grades entered,
respectively. Lines 11-15 declare counter variables for each grade category. Note that the
variables in lines 9-15 are explicitly initialized to 0 .
Method main has two key parts. Lines 26-56 read an arbitrary number of integer
grades from the user using sentinel-controlled repetition, update instance variables total
and gradeCounter , and increment an appropriate letter-grade counter for each grade
entered. Lines 59-80 output a report containing the total of all grades entered, the average
of the grades and the number of students who received each letter grade. Let's examine
these parts in more detail.
// Fig. 5.9:
// LetterGrades class uses the switch statement to count letter grades.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class LetterGrades
public static void main(String[] args)
Fig. 5.9 | LetterGrades class uses the switch statement to count letter grades. (Part 1 of 3.)
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