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Performing the Interest Calculations with static Method pow of Class Math
The for statement (lines 16-23) executes its body 10 times, varying control variable year
from 1 to 10 in increments of 1. This loop terminates when year becomes 11. (Variable
year represents n in the problem statement.)
Classes provide methods that perform common tasks on objects. In fact, most
methods must be called on a specific object. For example, to output text in Fig. 5.6, line
13 calls method printf on the System.out object. Some classes also provide methods that
perform common tasks and do not require you to first create objects of those classes. These
are called static methods. For example, Java does not include an exponentiation oper-
ator, so the designers of Java's Math class defined static method pow for raising a value to
a power. You can call a static method by specifying the class name followed by a dot ( . )
and the method name, as in
ClassName . methodName ( arguments )
In Chapter 6, you'll learn how to implement static methods in your own classes.
We use static method pow of class Math to perform the compound-interest calcula-
tion in Fig. 5.6. Math.pow( x , y ) calculates the value of x raised to the y th power. The
method receives two double arguments and returns a double value. Line 19 performs the
calculation a = p (1 + r ) n , where a is amount , p is principal , r is rate and n is year . Class
Math is defined in package java.lang , so you do not need to import class Math to use it.
The body of the for statement contains the calculation 1.0 + rate , which appears as
an argument to the Math.pow method. In fact, this calculation produces the same result
each time through the loop, so repeating it in every iteration of the loop is wasteful.
Performance Tip 5.1
In loops, avoid calculations for which the result never changes—such calculations should
typically be placed before the loop. Many of today's sophisticated optimizing compilers will
place such calculations outside loops in the compiled code.
Formatting Floating-Point Numbers
After each calculation, line 22 outputs the year and the amount on deposit at the end of
that year. The year is output in a field width of four characters (as specified by %4d ). The
amount is output as a floating-point number with the format specifier %,20.2f . The com-
ma ( , ) formatting flag indicates that the floating-point value should be output with a
grouping separator . The actual separator used is specific to the user's locale (i.e., country).
For example, in the United States, the number will be output using commas to separate
every three digits and a decimal point to separate the fractional part of the number, as in
1,234.45. The number 20 in the format specification indicates that the value should be
output right justified in a field width of 20 characters. The .2 specifies the formatted num-
ber's precision —in this case, the number is rounded to the nearest hundredth and output
with two digits to the right of the decimal point.
A Warning about Displaying Rounded Values
We declared variables amount , principal and rate to be of type double in this example.
We're dealing with fractional parts of dollars and thus need a type that allows decimal
points in its values. Unfortunately, floating-point numbers can cause trouble. Here's a
simple explanation of what can go wrong when using double (or float ) to represent dollar
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