Java Reference
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5.3 for Repetition Statement
Section 5.2 presented the essentials of counter-controlled repetition. The while statement
can be used to implement any counter-controlled loop. Java also provides the for repeti-
tion statement , which specifies the counter-controlled-repetition details in a single line of
code. Figure 5.2 reimplements the application of Fig. 5.1 using for .
// Fig. 5.2:
// Counter-controlled repetition with the for repetition statement.
public class ForCounter
public static void main(String[] args)
// for statement header includes initialization,
// loop-continuation condition and increment
for ( int counter = 1 ; counter <= 10 ; counter++)
System.out.printf( "%d " , counter);
} // end class ForCounter
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fig. 5.2 | Counter-controlled repetition with the for repetition statement.
When the for statement (lines 10-11) begins executing, the control variable counter
is declared and initialized to 1 . (Recall from Section 5.2 that the first two elements of
counter-controlled repetition are the control variable and its initial value .) Next, the pro-
gram checks the loop-continuation condition , counter <= 10 , which is between the two
required semicolons. Because the initial value of counter is 1 , the condition initially is
true. Therefore, the body statement (line 11) displays control variable counter 's value,
namely 1 . After executing the loop's body, the program increments counter in the expres-
sion counter++ , which appears to the right of the second semicolon. Then the loop-con-
tinuation test is performed again to determine whether the program should continue with
the next iteration of the loop. At this point, the control variable's value is 2 , so the condi-
tion is still true (the final value is not exceeded)—thus, the program performs the body
statement again (i.e., the next iteration of the loop). This process continues until the num-
bers 1 through 10 have been displayed and the counter 's value becomes 11 , causing the
loop-continuation test to fail and repetition to terminate (after 10 repetitions of the loop
body). Then the program performs the first statement after the for —in this case, line 13.
Figure 5.2 uses (in line 10) the loop-continuation condition counter <= 10 . If you
incorrectly specified counter < 10 as the condition, the loop would iterate only nine times.
This is a common logic error called an off-by-one error .
Common Programming Error 5.2
Using an incorrect relational operator or an incorrect final value of a loop counter in the
loop-continuation condition of a repetition statement can cause an off-by-one error.
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