Java Reference
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Prompt the user to enter the first grade
Input the first grade (possibly the sentinel)
While the user has not yet entered the sentinel
Add this grade into the running total
Add one to the grade counter
Prompt the user to enter the next grade
Input the next grade (possibly the sentinel)
If the counter is not equal to zero
Set the average to the total divided by the counter
Print the average
Print “No grades were entered”
Fig. 4.9 | Class-average pseudocode algorithm with sentinel-controlled repetition. (Part 2 of 2.)
In Fig. 4.7 and Fig. 4.9, we included blank lines and indentation in the pseudocode
to make it more readable. The blank lines separate the algorithms into their phases and set
off control statements; the indentation emphasizes the bodies of the control statements.
The pseudocode algorithm in Fig. 4.9 solves the more general class-average problem.
This algorithm was developed after two refinements. Sometimes more are needed.
Software Engineering Observation 4.5
Terminate the top-down, stepwise refinement process when you've specified the pseudocode
algorithm in sufficient detail for you to convert the pseudocode to Java. Normally,
implementing the Java program is then straightforward.
Software Engineering Observation 4.6
Some programmers do not use program development tools like pseudocode. They feel that
their ultimate goal is to solve the problem on a computer and that writing pseudocode
merely delays the production of final outputs. Although this may work for simple and
familiar problems, it can lead to serious errors and delays in large, complex projects.
Implementing Sentinel-Controlled Repetition
In Fig. 4.10, method main (lines 7-46) implements the pseudocode algorithm of Fig. 4.9.
Although each grade is an integer, the averaging calculation is likely to produce a number
with a decimal point —in other words, a real (floating-point) number. The type int cannot
represent such a number, so this class uses type double to do so. You'll also see that control
statements may be stacked on top of one another (in sequence). The while statement (lines
22-30) is followed in sequence by an if else statement (lines 34-45). Much of the code
in this program is identical to that in Fig. 4.8, so we concentrate on the new concepts.
// Fig. 4.10:
// Solving the class-average problem using sentinel-controlled repetition.
import java.util.Scanner; // program uses class Scanner
Fig. 4.10 | Solving the class-average problem using sentinel-controlled repetition. (Part 1 of 2.)
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