Java Reference
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System.out.printf( "Class average is %d%n" , average);
} // end class ClassAverage
Enter grade: 67
Enter grade: 78
Enter grade: 89
Enter grade: 67
Enter grade: 87
Enter grade: 98
Enter grade: 93
Enter grade: 85
Enter grade: 82
Enter grade: 100
Total of all 10 grades is 846
Class average is 84
Fig. 4.8 | S olving the class-average problem using counter-controlled repetition. (Part 2 of 2.)
Local Variables in Method main
Line 10 declares and initializes Scanner variable input , which is used to read values
entered by the user. Lines 13, 14, 20 and 26 declare local variables total , gradeCounter ,
grade and average , respectively, to be of type int . Variable grade stores the user input.
These declarations appear in the body of method main . Recall that variables declared
in a method body are local variables and can be used only from the line of their declaration
to the closing right brace of the method declaration. A local variable's declaration must
appear before the variable is used in that method. A local variable cannot be accessed out-
side the method in which it's declared. Variable grade , declared in the body of the while
loop, can be used only in that block.
Initialization Phase: Initializing Variables total and gradeCounter
The assignments (in lines 13-14) initialize total to 0 and gradeCounter to 1 . These ini-
tializations occur before the variables are used in calculations.
Common Programming Error 4.3
Using the value of a local variable before it's initialized results in a compilation error. All
local variables must be initialized before their values are used in expressions.
Error-Prevention Tip 4.3
Initialize each total and counter, either in its declaration or in an assignment statement.
Totals are normally initialized to 0. Counters are normally initialized to 0 or 1, depend-
ing on how they're used (we'll show examples of when to use 0 and when to use 1).
Processing Phase: Reading 10 Grades from the User
Line 17 indicates that the while statement should continue looping (also called iterating )
as long as gradeCounter 's value is less than or equal to 10. While this condition remains
true , the while statement repeatedly executes the statements between the braces that de-
limit its body (lines 18-23).
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