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false . You can specify your own initial value for a primitive-type variable by assigning the
variable a value in its declaration, as in
private int numberOfStudents = 10 ;
Programs use variables of reference types (normally called references ) to store the
addresses of objects in the computer's memory. Such a variable is said to refer to an object
in the program. Objects that are referenced may each contain many instance variables. Line
10 of Fig. 3.2:
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
creates an object of class Scanner , then assigns to the variable input a reference to that
Scanner object. Line 13 of Fig. 3.2:
Account myAccount = new Account();
creates an object of class Account , then assigns to the variable myAccount a reference to that
Account object. Reference-type instance variables, if not explicitly initialized, are initialized
by default to the value null —which represents a “reference to nothing.” That's why the
first call to getName in line 16 of Fig. 3.2 returns null —the value of name has not yet been
set, so the default initial value null is returned.
To call methods on an object, you need a reference to the object. In Fig. 3.2, the state-
ments in method main use the variable myAccount to call methods getName (lines 16 and
26) and setName (line 21) to interact with the Account object. Primitive-type variables do
not refer to objects, so such variables cannot be used to call methods.
3.4 Account Class: Initializing Objects with Constructors
As mentioned in Section 3.2, when an object of class Account (Fig. 3.1) is created, its
String instance variable name is initialized to null by default . But what if you want to pro-
vide a name when you create an Account object?
Each class you declare can optionally provide a constructor with parameters that can
be used to initialize an object of a class when the object is created. Java requires a con-
structor call for every object that's created, so this is the ideal point to initialize an object's
instance variables. The next example enhances class Account (Fig. 3.5) with a constructor
that can receive a name and use it to initialize instance variable name when an Account
object is created (Fig. 3.6).
3.4.1 Declaring an Account Constructor for Custom Object
When you declare a class, you can provide your own constructor to specify custom initial-
ization for objects of your class. For example, you might want to specify a name for an Ac-
count object when the object is created, as in line 10 of Fig. 3.6:
Account account1 = new Account( "Jane Green" );
In this case, the String argument "Jane Green" is passed to the Account object's construc-
tor and used to initialize the name instance variable. The preceding statement requires that
the class provide a constructor that takes only a String parameter. Figure 3.5 contains a
modified Account class with such a constructor.
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