Java Reference
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// prompt for and read name
System.out.println( "Please enter the name:" );
String theName = input.nextLine(); // read a line of text
myAccount.setName(theName); // put theName in myAccount
System.out.println(); // outputs a blank line
// display the name stored in object myAccount
System.out.printf( "Name in object myAccount is:%n%s%n" ,
} // end class AccountTest
Initial name is: null
Please enter the name:
Jane Green
Name in object myAccount is:
Jane Green
Fig. 3.2 | Creating and manipulating an Account object. (Part 2 of 2.)
Scanner Object for Receiving Input from the User
Line 10 creates a Scanner object named input for inputting the name from the user. Line
19 prompts the user to enter a name. Line 20 uses the Scanner object's nextLine method to
read the name from the user and assign it to the local variable theName . You type the name
and press Enter to submit it to the program. Pressing Enter inserts a newline character after
the characters you typed. Method nextLine reads characters (including white-space charac-
ters, such as the blank in "Jane Green" ) until it encounters the newline, then returns a
String containing the characters up to, but not including, the newline, which is discarded .
Class Scanner provides various other input methods, as you'll see throughout the
book. A method similar to nextLine —named next —reads the next word . When you press
Enter after typing some text, method next reads characters until it encounters a white-space
character (such as a space, tab or newline), then returns a String containing the characters
up to, but not including, the white-space character, which is discarded . All information
after the first white-space character is not lost —it can be read by subsequent statements that
call the Scanner 's methods later in the program.
Instantiating an Object—Keyword new and Constructors
Line 13 creates an Account object and assigns it to variable myAccount of type Account .
Variable myAccount is initialized with the result of the class instance creation expression
new Account() . Keyword new creates a new object of the specified class—in this case, Ac-
count . The parentheses to the right of Account are required . As you'll learn in Section 3.4,
those parentheses in combination with a class name represent a call to a constructor , which
is similar to a method but is called implicitly by the new operator to initialize an object's
instance variables when the object is created . In Section 3.4, you'll see how to place an ar-
gument in the parentheses to specify an initial value for an Account object's name instance
variable—you'll enhance class Account to enable this. For now, we simply leave the paren-
theses empty . Line 10 contains a class instance creation expression for a Scanner object—
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