Java Reference
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Step 1: Changing the Root Layout from an AnchorPane to a GridPane
Open TipCalculator.fxml in Scene Builder so that you can build the GUI and delete the
default controls, then change from the default AnchorPane to a GridPane :
1. Adding a GridPane to the Default Layout. Drag a GridPane from the Library win-
dow's Containers section onto the default AnchorPane in Scene Builder's content
2. Making the GridPane the Root Layout. Select Edit > Trim Document to Selection
to make the GridPane the root layout and remove the AnchorPane .
Step 2: Adding Rows to the GridPane
By default, the GridPane contains two columns and three rows. Recall that the GUI in
Fig. 25.10 consists of five rows. You can add a row above or below an existing row by right
clicking a row and selecting Grid Pane > Add Row Above or Grid Pane > Add Row Below .
After adding two rows, the GridPane should appear as shown in Fig. 25.12. You can use
similar steps to add columns. You can delete a row or column by right clicking the tab con-
taining its row or column number and selecting Delete .
Tab for selecting column 1
Tab for selecting row 0
Fig. 25.12 | GridPane with five rows.
Step 3: Adding the Controls to the GridPane
You'll now add the controls in Fig. 25.10 to the GridPane . For those that have fx:id s (see
Fig. 25.11), while the control is selected, set its fx:id property in the Inspector window's
Code section. Perform the following steps:
1. Adding the Label s. Drag Label s from the Library window's Controls section into
the first four rows of the GridPane 's left column (i.e., column 0). As you add each
Label , set its text as shown Fig. 25.10.
2. Adding the TextField s. Drag TextField s from the Library window's Controls
section into rows 0, 2 and 3 of the GridPane 's right column (i.e., column 1).
3. Adding a Slider . Drag a horizontal Slider from the Library window's Controls
section into row 1 of the GridPane 's right column.
4. Adding a Button . Drag a Button from the Library window's Controls section into
row 4 of the GridPane 's right column. You can set the Button 's text by double
clicking it, or by selecting the Button , then setting its Text property in the Inspec-
tor window's Properties section.
The GridPane should appear as shown in Fig. 25.13.
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