Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The Library contains JavaFX Containers ,
Controls and other items that can be dragged
and dropped on the canvas
You use the
content panel to
design the GUI
You use the Inspector window to
configure the currently selected item in
the content panel
The Hierarchy window shows the structure of the
GUI and allows you to select and reorganize controls
Fig. 25.7 | JavaFX Scene Builder displaying the default GUI in Welcome.fxml .
to these controls—for this app, there will not be any such code, so you can click Delete to
remove these controls.
Deleting the Reference to the WelcomeController Class
As you'll learn in Section 25.5, in Scene Builder, you can specify the name of the controller
class that contains methods for responding to the user's interactions with the GUI. The
Welcome app does not need to respond to any user interactions, so you'll remove the ref-
erence in the FXML file to class WelcomeController . To do so, select the AnchorPane
node in the Hierarchy window, then click the Inspector window's Code section to expand
it and delete the value specified in the Controller class field. You're now ready to create the
Welcome app's GUI.
25.4.5 Changing to a VBox Layout Container
For this app, you'll place a Label and an ImageView in a VBox layout container (package
javafx.scene.layout ), which will be the scene graph's root node. Layout containers help
you arrange and size GUI components. A VBox arranges its nodes vertically from top to
bottom. VBox is one of several JavaFX layout containers for arranging controls in a GUI.
We discuss the GridPane layout container in Section 25.5 and several others in online
Chapter 26. By default, NetBeans provides an AnchorPane as the root layout. To change
from the default AnchorPane to a VBox :
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