Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Nodes that have children are typically layout containers that arrange their child
nodes in the scene. You'll use two layout containers ( VBox and GridPane ) in this
chapter and learn several more in online Chapters 26-27.
The nodes arranged in a layout container are a combination of controls and, in
more complex GUIs, possibly other layout containers. Controls are GUI compo-
nents, such as Label s that display text, TextField s that enable a program to re-
ceive text typed by the user, Button s that initiate actions and more. When the
user interacts with a control, such as clicking a Button , the control generates an
event . Programs can respond to these events—known as event handling—to
specify what should happen when each user interaction occurs.
An event handler is a method that responds to a user interaction. An FXML
GUI's event handlers are defined in a so-called controller class (as you'll see in
Section 25.5.5).
25.4 Welcome App—Displaying Text and an Image
In this section, without writing any code you'll build a JavaFX Welcome app that displays text
in a Label and an image in an ImageView (Fig. 25.2). First, you'll create a JavaFX app project
in the NetBeans IDE . Then, you'll use visual-programming techniques and JavaFX Scene
Builder to drag-and-drop JavaFX components onto the design area. Next, you'll use JavaFX
Scene Builder's Inspector window to configure options, such as the Labels 's text and font
size, and the ImageView 's image. Finally, you'll execute the app from NetBeans. This section
assumes that you've read the Before You Begin section, and installed NetBeans and Scene
Builder. We used NetBeans 7.4, Scene Builder 1.1 and Java SE 7 for this chapter's examples.
Label component
ImageView components
Fig. 25.2 | Final Welcome app running on Windows 7.
25.4.1 Creating the App's Project
You'll now use NetBeans to create a JavaFX FXML App . Open NetBeans on your system.
Initially, the Start Page (Fig. 25.3) is displayed—this page gives you links to the NetBeans
documentation and displays a list of your recent projects, if any.
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