Java Reference
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JavaFX GUI: Part 1
But, soft! what light through
yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is
the sun!
—William Shakespeare
Even a minor event in the life of
a child is an event of that child's
world and thus a world event.
—Gaston Bachelard
… the wisest prophets make sure
of the event first.
—Horace Walpole
Do you think I can listen all day
to such stuff?
—Lewis Carroll
In this chapter you'll:
Build JavaFX GUIs and
handle events generated by
user interactions with them.
Understand the structure of a
JavaFX app window.
Use JavaFX Scene Builder to
create FXML files that
describe JavaFX scenes
containing Label s,
ImageView s, TextField s,
Slider s and Button s
without writing any code.
Arrange GUI components
using the VBox and
GridPane layout containers.
Use a controller class to
define event handlers for
Build two JavaFX apps.
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