Java Reference
In-Depth Information
•You use the setEmbeddedCP.bat or setEmbeddedCP file (depending on your OS platform) to con-
figure the CLASSPATH for working with Java DB embedded databases.
•The Java DB ij tool allows you to interact with Java DB from the command line. You can use
it to create databases, run SQL scripts and perform SQL queries. Each command you enter at
the ij> prompt must be terminated with a semicolon ( ; ).
Section 24.6.1 Connecting to and Querying a Database
•Package java.sql contains classes and interfaces for accessing relational databases in Java.
•A Connection object (p. 1065) manages the connection between a Java program and a database.
Connection objects enable programs to create SQL statements that access data.
DriverManager (p. 1065) method getConnection (p. 1065) attempts to connect to a database at
a URL that specifies the protocol for communication, the subprotocol (p. 1065) for communi-
cation and the database name.
Connection method createStatement (p. 1066) creates a Statement object (p. 1066), which can
be used to submit SQL statements to the database.
Statement method executeQuery (p. 1066) executes a query and returns a ResultSet object
(p. 1066). ResultSet methods enable a program to manipulate query results.
•A ResultSetMetaData object (p. 1066) describes a ResultSet 's contents. Programs can use meta-
data programmatically to obtain information about the ResultSet column names and types.
ResultSetMetaData method getColumnCount (p. 1066) retrieves the number of ResultSet col-
ResultSet method next (p. 1066) positions the ResultSet cursor to the next row and returns
true if the row exists; otherwise, it returns false . This method must be called to begin processing
a ResultSet because the cursor is intially positioned before the first row.
• It's possible to extract each ResultSet column as a specific Java type. ResultSetMetaData method
getColumnType (p. 1066) returns a Types (p. 1067) constant (package java.sql ) indicating the
column's type.
ResultSet get methods typically receive as an argument either a column number (as an int ) or a
column name (as a String ) indicating which column's value to obtain.
ResultSet row and column numbers start at 1.
•Each Statement object can open only one ResultSet at a time. When a Statement returns a new
ResultSet , the Statement closes the prior ResultSet .
Section 24.6.2 Querying the books Database
TableModel (p. 1067) method getColumnClass (p. 1068) returns a Class object that represents
the superclass of all objects in a particular column. A JTable (p. 1067) uses this information to
set up the default cell renderer and cell editor for that column in a JTable .
Connection method createStatement has an overloaded version that receives the result type and
concurrency. The result type specifies whether the ResultSet 's cursor is able to scroll in both di-
rections or forward only and whether the ResultSet is sensitive to changes. The result concur-
rency (p. 1072) specifies whether the ResultSet can be updated.
• Some JDBC drivers (p. 1072) do not support scrollable or updatable ResultSet s.
ResultSetMetaData method getColumnClassName (p. 1073) obtains a column's fully qualified
class name.
TableModel method getColumnCount (p. 1073) returns the number of columns in the ResultSet .
TableModel method getColumnName (p. 1073) returns the column name in the ResultSet .
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