Java Reference
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authorBooks.setString( 1 , "Deitel" );
authorBooks.setString( 2 , "Paul" );
Method setString 's first argument represents the parameter number being set, and the
second argument is that parameter's value. Parameter numbers are counted from 1 , starting
with the first question mark ( ? ). When the program executes the preceding Prepared-
Statement with the parameter values set above, the SQL passed to the database is
SELECT LastName, FirstName, Title
ON Authors.AuthorID=AuthorISBN.AuthorID
WHERE LastName = 'Deitel' AND FirstName = 'Paul'
Method setString automatically escapes String parameter values as necessary. For exam-
ple, if the last name is O'Brien, the statement
authorBooks.setString( 1 , "O'Brien" );
escapes the ' character in O'Brien by replacing it with two single-quote characters, so that
the ' appears correctly in the database.
Performance Tip 24.2
PreparedStatement s are more efficient than Statement s when executing SQL statements
multiple times and with different parameter values.
Error-Prevention Tip 24.2
Use PreparedStatement s with parameters for queries that receive String values as ar-
guments to ensure that the String s are quoted properly in the SQL statement.
Error-Prevention Tip 24.3
PreparedStatement s help prevent SQL injection attacks, which typically occur in SQL
statements that include user input improperly. To avoid this security issue, use Prepared-
Statement s in which user input can be supplied only via parameters—indicated with ?
when creating a PreparedStatement . Once you've created such a PreparedStatement ,
you can use its set methods to specify the user input as arguments for those parameters.
Interface PreparedStatement provides set methods for each supported SQL type. It's
important to use the set method that is appropriate for the parameter's SQL type in the
database— SQLException s occur when a program attempts to convert a parameter value
to an incorrect type.
Address Book Application that Uses PreparedStatement s
We now present an address book app that enables you to browse existing entries, add new
entries and search for entries with a specific last name. Our AddressBook Java DB database
contains an Addresses table with the columns addressID , FirstName , LastName , Email
and PhoneNumber . The column addressID is an identity column in the Addresses table.
Class Person
Our address book application consists of three classes— Person (Fig. 24.30), PersonQue-
ries (Fig. 24.31) and AddressBookDisplay (Fig. 24.32). Class Person is a simple class
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